July 14, 2022

4 Facts About One Piece "Cyborg" Franky, The Straw Hat Pirates' Best Ship Mechanic

Cyborg Franky is one of the main characters in the One Piece anime, he is a Thousand Sunny Ship Mechanic. Being one of the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates, he has extraordinary abilities in building ships and designing technology. His body is covered with his own handiwork as well as the Thousand Sunny Ship which looks very extraordinary.

When viewed from his appearance, Franky looks like a human robot whose whole body is coated with high-quality materials. He is a very large and muscular Cyborg. His body is very tall and reaches 225 CM with a very stocky and modern body (Modern Robot Design).

Facts about "Cyborg" Franky

Franky is one of the Straw Hat Pirates who has a tall body. He is also very strong and skilled in the field of technology. His body is covered by high quality materials and is referred to as Cyborg Franky.

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Franky's real name

Franky comes from Water 7 who at the time played the Boss of the Underworld and Pirate Hunter. At the beginning of his introduction, he was an enemy of the Straw Hat Pirates and turned to join after the incident at Enies Lobby. Franky has the original name "Cutty Flam" which was later changed at the suggestion of Iceburg.

Franky's Dream

As previously explained, Franky and the Straw Hat Pirates are enemies at first. But all that changed after the incident / Enies Lobby Arc ended. They became friends and in the end Franky became a mechanic on the Straw Hat Pirates' ship.

Like the rest of the Crew, Franky has really big dreams. His dream is to build a ship that can sail all kinds of oceans. Joining Straw Hat gives him the opportunity to make his dreams come true.

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Very Free

He has the characteristics of being very free, eccentric and has a strong will. He will also openly violate the existing rules. It could be said that, Franky would do whatever he wanted. He will not see the time or place, When he feels that "Something" must be done, Then he will do it.

Franky's Habits / Traits

Franky has a very distinctive Cyborg body with a very Modern design. Part of his body can be changed by simply pressing one part of the other body. He often says “Superrr” with very cool and entertaining body movements. In addition, he is also often said to be a lewd character because of his very open style of appearance.

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