July 15, 2022

Besides the World Government, Here are the 10 Strongest Organizations in One Piece!

Since the beginning of the story, we are introduced to some groups that look dangerous. One of them is like the World Government which keeps a big secret that can shake the world. In addition to the group led by Im-sama, there are 10 other strongest organizations in One Piece that are also dangerous. Here's the list!

1. Baroque Works

Baroque Works is a group led by the former Shichibukai, Crocodile. The goal is to take control of Arabasta and get one of the ancient weapons, Pluton. Over the years, Crocodile has assembled a group of criminals who work under him as members of Baroque Works.

Its members usually use numeric initials or other designations. For example Mr.1 or Miss Valentine. Crocodile's move was successfully stopped by the Straw Hat Pirates who were helping Vivi.

2. Nine Red Scabbards

Nine red Scabbards or also known as Akazaya Nine are loyal followers of Kozuki Oden. During difficult times in their lives, Kozuki Oden comes to their aid. From then on, they swore to be loyal to Oden as well as the Kozuki clan.

Their strength has been recognized by Wano since 20 years ago. Even now, they are very strong fighters. Their main goal is to avenge Oden by defeating Kaido at the Fire Festival event in Onigashima.

3. Germa 66

Germa 66 is a military group from the Germa Kingdom which is also an underworld organization led by Sanji's biological father, Vinsmoke Judge. On average, Germa's combat troops are cloned using modern technology, the tools Big Mom is after. Of all the troops, the strongest are the four Sanji brothers.

4. Worst Generation

Even though they didn't really work together, the Worst Generation was known as the group that was able to create major changes in the Pirate Era. They all got together at some point, Shabaody.

Some of them have also fought together, such as Luffy, Kid, and Law facing the Marines. In One Piece Stampede, all members of the Worst Generation (except Teach) had worked together to defeat Douglass Bullet.

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5. Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance

This alliance was created in Zou when they agreed to take down Kaido. Its members consist of the Straw Hat Pirates, the Hearts Pirates, the Mink Tribe, as well as the Samurai and Ninja Wano. Their goal is to defeat Kaido and open the land of Wano to the public. It was because they wanted to grant the final wish of Kozuki Oden, the greatest samurai in Wano.

6. Shichibukai

The Shichibukai is an organization consisting of pirates with above average combat strength. This group was created by the World Government to stop other pirates in exchange for freedom. In other words, whatever crime they were about to commit was not seen by the Navy as a crime.

The harsh name people often give them is the World Government 'dog'. The Shichibukai became one of the three great powers in the One Piece world, before they were disbanded and replaced with a new system, SSG (Special Science Group).

7. SSG

SSG or Special Science Group was created by Doctor Vegapunk to replace the Shichibukai as one of the three great powers in the world of One Piece. Their strength is unknown, but according to Fujitora and Brannew, they are strong enough to replace the Shichibukai.

That meant their strength could be compared to someone like Doflamingo or Dracule Mihawk. Many have been waiting for the appearance of this SSG out of curiosity about their strength.

8. Revolutionary Army

The Revolutionary Army is led by Luffy's father, Monkey D. Dragon. This organization is one of the three biggest powers in the world of One Piece. Their goal is to overthrow the Tenryubito who lead the World Government and free the people from their atrocities.

Dragon is known as the most wanted criminal in the world, while one of his subordinates such as Sabo is able to fight on a par with a Marine Admiral class fighter.

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9. Navy

The Navy works under the leadership of the World Government to bring down pirates and other criminals. They also protect residents who need help. They consist of strong fighters who can match the dangerous pirates. Not a few of the Navy officials who use the power of the devil fruit.

If their strength was combined with the Shichibukai or SSG, they could even match the Yonkou.

10. Yonko

The Yonko are the four strongest pirates in the world of One Piece and are also known as the King of the New World. Their power and influence even made the World Government not dare to do anything.

The current Yonko consist of Big Mom, Kaido, Shanks, and Teach. Currently they can be said to be the strongest pirates in the world of One Piece.

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