July 18, 2024

0g Storage KV User Guide

Hello everyone Today we will look at how to run 0g storage KV. This guide is a continuation of the previous guide, which is located here at this link. I kindly ask you to follow it and familiarize yourself with the previous guide, and only then return here!

Hardware Requirement

  • RAM - 16 GB
  • CPU - 4 cores
  • Disk - 1 TB NVME SSD
  • Bandwidth - 500 MBps for Download / Upload

Install and Build from the source code

git clone -b v1.1.0-testnet
cd 0g-storage-kv
git submodule update --init

# Build in release mode
cargo build --release

Configure Storage KV

Copy the config_example.toml to config.toml and update the parameters

# rpc endpoint
# ips of storage service, separated by ","
zgs_node_urls = "http://ip1:port1,http://ip2:port2,..."

# layer one blockchain rpc endpoint

# flow contract address

# block number to start the sync, better to align with the config in storage service

# storage nodes to download data from, separated by ","
# the provided nodes should cover full data in the storage network

Run the Storage KV

cd run

# consider using tmux in order to run in background
../target/release/zgs_kv --config config.toml

That's all! After completing these simple steps, everything should wo