May 30, 2020

How long does it take to place a website at the top of Google?

You have invested time and money on your website and now you want to see it at the top of Google's search results.

This is the dream of everyone who decides to create a successful website. After all, consumers are right now searching for products and services .

As much as your site has a great strategy to attract visitors, such as offering a discount coupon or making rich material (e-book, infographic, webinar, etc.) available for free, it still needs to be found through Google results .

And how long does it take to happen?

Well, we need to give you some bad news. It is impossible to offer an exact time-frame for how long your website (especially if it is new) will take to appear at the top of Google.

It can be indexed by the search engine algorithm in a matter of days, weeks or even months. Yes, we know that this is disappointing, but it is not possible to control Google.

We would like a more definitive answer, but that is the reality of the situation.

In addition, the optimization work (SEO) is also full of techniques and details that must be worked very well for the results to begin to emerge.

Now, on to the good news!

Even if you can't force Google to immediately put your site at the top of the results, there are things you can - and should - do to reduce waiting times as little as possible. Check out our tips and know what to do!

How to know if your site is ready to be indexed

Before our list of tips for placing a site at the top of Google , it is important to talk about the indexing of your site.

Must Read: How to Index Website?

If you are thinking about creating, are creating or just launched your website, it is very important that you pay attention to the following visibility verification topics:

  • Robots.txt : Make sure the robots.txt file is not blocking crawlers and bots from the content you want Google to index. The company or person who created your website should know how to do this file check, so that you can be sure that it has been configured correctly.
  • WordPress dashboard : if your site was built on the WordPress platform, there is a configuration in the control panel saying “Prevent search engines from indexing this site”. It is common for this setting to be enabled when a new site is under construction, as you will not want Google crawlers to attempt to index your site at this time. However, after uploading the site, remember to disable this option.
  • Google Search Console : Connect your site to Google Webmaster Tools. This is a free service offered by Google, which analyzes your website and sends notifications about any existing errors. The service allows you to send your sitemap or URLs of individual pages directly to Google for consideration when indexing your databases.
  • Google Analytics : Make sure to integrate Google Analytics with your website . Like Google Search Console, this is also a free service, but it focuses more on registering and analyzing traffic to your site. When you connect it to Google Analytics, you are showing Google that it exists.

After doing these checks, it's time for you to make sure that your site is optimized to reach the top of Google's search results.

Tips for your site to appear at the top of Google

After doing these checks, you need to make sure that your website is optimized to reach the top of Google's search results .

Remember that indexing a website does not mean that it will appear in the first search results . Being indexed just means that your website's page has entered Google's database , which is a first step.

For the site to appear in the top positions of the search results, which is where everyone wants to be, it is necessary to implement and analyze several factors related to SEO.

Let's assume that your company is a laundry in the city of London, so your target audience searches for “laundry in London”. For your potential customer to find your site, he needs to be in the top positions in the results, otherwise he will find your competitors.

As much as your site is fully indexed by Google, it will only appear in a good position if some techniques are well executed, such as:

- SEO on pages

To appear on Google, your pages must be formatted correctly to be compatible with search engines . Several SEO techniques can be applied to pages. However, one of the most important ones is the use of meta tags , mainly the meta title and meta description.

When you set up the meta tags correctly, using the keywords that are right for your business, Google will use that information. This is important for your website to appear to people who are looking for the product or service you offer.

- Set up Google My Business

In addition to thinking about optimizing your site, you should also be concerned with creating a "connection" with Google. Create your Google My Business account. This free option offered by the search engine is the best way to have visibility in the region where you operate.

Even if it takes a few weeks for your site to appear in organic Google searches, at least your business can occupy a front page space on Google.

- Have quality backlinks

Another way to get the attention of Google's algorithm is to have as many quality backlinks as possible. And you don't have to resort to any spam tactics to get backliks. That is to say, incorrect SEO techniques can penalize the site, causing it to lose position in the search results.

To do backlink, also known as link building, all you need is a little time and patience. Conduct research and find possible sites that are willing to exchange links.

In addition, the more active your company is on its social media and on a blog, the greater the chances of other people citing your site in its content.

- Create relevant, quality and optimized content

The content marketing has become essential for any business, whether small or large, in any segment. That's because consumers are looking for content. They want to clear their doubts over the internet and value the companies that are willing to help them.

It is important that you do a good content planning for a sales funnel, so that you can generate qualified leads. The more quality content you offer on your website or blog, the greater the chances that Google will place you in the first search results.

It is worth mentioning that this content must be optimized , that is, follow the rules of SEO for content, how to use the keyword sparingly and include them in subtitles, for example.

In addition to being excellent for achieving optimal positioning in Google results , quality content can also attract the attention of owners of other sites or blogs, providing more quality backlinks.

- What to do while the site doesn't reach the top of the results

If your site is already indexed and its SEO is perfect , don't think that the job is over. The content of your site must always be updated , that is, the production of quality content cannot stop even after it has achieved an excellent positioning on Google.

In addition, all the tips we gave are for you to achieve a good position organically , that is, without paying Google. However, if you want to boost your site and already try to generate some sales, it is possible to make some investment in sponsored links.

This investment is made through Google Adwords and works like a keyword auction. The money invested in a campaign will be debited whenever someone clicks on your ad.

It is worth saying that clicking on the ad is not a guarantee of the sale made . Soon, once again, comes the production of quality content, which will be responsible for winning over that potential customer until he is ready to purchase your product or service.

In addition to this possible investment in paid campaigns, while your website does not reach the position you want, it is important that you:

  • Understand that action is necessary : simply launching your new website is not enough. As we talked about throughout the post, your site must be set up correctly and Google must access it. In addition, we’ve also talked about some optimization tips that you can run to increase the likelihood of being listed in Google’s search results in the shortest possible time.
  • Be patient : this is not an overnight process and you cannot force Google to speed things up. Be wary of "experts" who charge a fortune for "internal secrets" for being listed on Google. If you methodically follow best practices, you will appear on Google.

We hope you enjoyed our tips and that your site will soon be available at the top of Google!