April 12, 2022

How war in Ukraine looks like by russian propaganda

By Yuriy Koshmarchenko - Ukrainian journalist, radio host and editor-in-chief of the Platforma media. FB post(ru)

Ukraine bombed the Donbass for 8 years, where ordinary miners heroically fought back on the most sophisticated Russian equipment they bought in online stores, after watching instructions for its use on YouTube. Cities from these cruelest bombings stood intact, and 8 civilians died from shelling in 2021 and 5 in 2020.

The peaceful Russian army comes to the border with Ukraine and for several months says that it just happened that way, the places are beautiful. However, Ukraine understands that 150,000 fighters around the corner is a great moment to attack the Donbass somehow even stronger than before. And to Belarus at the same time, why waste time on trifles. Fortunately, Lukashenko had a map, and he was ready to show everyone where the attack was being prepared from.

The attack, by the way, was prepared by the Nazi authorities of Ukraine of Jewish origin. And for the purpose of conspiracy, Ukrainians do not even systematically elect nationalists to parliament, and are Nazis secretly, imperceptibly.

At the same time, Ukraine trained cormorants and geese to send parcels with deadly viruses that work only for a specific people. Since, according to the Russian Federation, Ukrainians and Russians are one nation, this is a great plan, as reliable as a Swiss watch. Meanwhile, the Nobel Committee is ready to present an award to that Ukrainian graduate student who figured out how to get viruses to check a passport.

Further, peaceful Russian soldiers in the military training deliver a preventive strike with artillery, aircraft and infantry from all sides. The attackers have a few dead, but there are very few of them and in general they are practically alive, just unwell. But the cunning Ukrainians drag their bodies along all fronts and photograph them in different poses in order to pass them off as heavy losses of the enemy.

The whole world imposes sanctions on Russia. More precisely, this is done by the gay parades that have seized power in the miserable capitalist countries, while the advanced states of Burundi, Laos, Zimbabwe and Gabon do not abandon their own. As a result, the sanctions do not work, and I did not want to fly anywhere, because there are many things to do at home — for example, to look for sugar.

Ukrainian aviation, by the way, was completely destroyed in the very first hours of the war. Then they destroyed it again, and again, and they liked it so much that they still completely destroy it.

In Russia, all opposition media are closed and the world's main social networks are blocked. This finally gives the Russians the right to say that Ukrainians are deprived of reliable sources of information and do not know the whole truth.

Meanwhile, the Russian army throws large forces to encircle Kyiv. But war is, among other things, the ability to recognize one's victories, therefore, having encountered the cowardly resistance of the Ukrainian capital, the Russian troops triumphantly reduce activity in this direction.

Europe's largest nuclear power plant has been successfully taken under Russia's control. In the process, Ukrainians deploy guns and fire at the station near which they stand in order to provoke a nuclear catastrophe, die themselves and cover their entire native country with radiation.

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was also captured. Russian soldiers are digging trenches in the Red Forest, one of the most dangerous places in the exclusion zone. However, it turns out that this danger is also a fake, like everything else in Ukraine, since no threat is indicated on the 1985 maps used by the fighters.

In cities occupied by the Russian Federation, happy Ukrainians massively go to rallies. Since the Nazi government took Russian flags from them in advance, they have to go out with Ukrainian ones. The liberated people are chanting "go get out", which translates from the Ukrainian language invented by Lenin "welcome, our dear brothers".

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian troops have a tight schedule. Every day they have to cowardly attack the Russian army so that they can show heroism. They also have to hit their own people so that Ukrainians stop loving Russia. In addition, it is necessary to have time to use drugs and alcohol, erect iconostases in honor of Bandera and Satan, and at the same time remain ridiculous lumps in trousers, which the Russian Federation could defeat in a day, but just don’t want to yet.

In the villages that have been under the liberation administration of the Russian Federation, sheer prosperity is found, but the Ukrainians quickly turn them into ruins, import bodies, as well as actors to play the roles of local residents, bribe the entire world journalism, falsify satellite images, forge chronology, anatomy, geography, and in general Ukrainians are wrong, fuck off already.

An oil depot is on fire in Russian Belgorod. But it’s on purpose. But no, Ukrainian helicopters attacked. But no, we couldn’t miss them, because Ukrainian aviation was destroyed, so it’s probably still burning like it is necessary, on the instructions of the authorities of the Russian Federation, in general, it does not matter, let's move on to the news of figure skating.

In Mariupol, Ukrainian troops are attacking a theater from the air, in the basements of which their relatives and acquaintances are hiding. “The main objective is to paint Russians as enemies, and the women will just give birth to more Ukrainians", - Azov troops tattoo themselves with this famous saying of President Zelensky. A good tradition is established in a 1.5 month - every day one of the Russian speakers announces that the city is about to be captured.

After a couple of weeks, Kramatorsk got shelled. The pro-Russian channels initially report that the forces of the Ukrainian army were attacked there, but then they clarify the data and corrected that they attacked railways throughout the region, except the Kramatorsk - well, not exactly.

RF is preparing a large-scale offensive on Donbas. Before it even starts, obvious that bombing would be liberative, tank attacks - peaceful, and terror - in the name of peace.

In general, everything seems logical.