March 24, 2020

Coronavirus and Pollution

Coronavirus and Pollution

Does coronavirus reduce pollution?

Along with the deadly coronavirus negative side, there is also a very popular discussion regarding coronavirus that coronavirus and pollution go anti with each other. People are saying that because of less traffic density on road, and low tourism environment pollution is decreasing. Let's have an analysis of that, is it really true that coronavirus is lowering the environmental pollution. In my opinion, coronavirus is not reducing the environmental pollution, you may see some direct effects of coronavirus virus on the environment but Indirectly coronavirus affecting nature in the following way:

1. The cremation process of the body causes air pollution.

2. Death bodies are sealing with heavy toxic chemicals that affect the quality of soil and groundwater.

3. People are using water to be sanitized so water consumption is increased

4. Because of the sanitization process of a particular location, heavy chemicals are used affecting air and water quality

5. Preventives and preventions which are taking by doctors are increasing so that without proper disposal its also affecting the environment.

I hope the above points are clear related to coronavirus and pollution relationships.

Stay at home and stay safe.