Safeguard Environment
Safeguard Environment started with a motivation for providing awareness about pollution harms and new ways to control pollution.
8 posts

Relationship between coronavirus and air pollution

According to the latest studies about air pollution due to Covid-19 pandemic quality of natural air has improved considerably. This article is all about what are the reasons for the improvement of AQI after the Worldwide Coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus infected waste disposal

The Govt. has taken so many steps to control and break the chain of Coronavirus as no proper medicines are available. So as a precautionary measure the State and Central Government has arranged isolation centers and home quarantine arrangements for the person who has traveled out of India in the past few months. The residents who are suffering from this disease have been admitted to the hospital’s isolation ward for medical cure. The isolated, home quarantine, labs, and hospitals treating the COVID-19 disease are generating a huge quantity of infected waste. The safe disposal of this waste is of utmost necessity to prevent the medical staff, supporting medical staff, sweepers, and caretakers from this deadly virus.

Covid 19 Virus and facemasks

According to the guidelines related to the precautions of the Covid 19 virus provided by the World health organization, the use of facemasks for coronavirus patients is very important, because in this way a patient can stop spread of body liquid from his mouth and nose to other bodies.

Coronavirus and Pollution

Along with the deadly coronavirus negative side, there is also a very popular discussion regarding coronavirus that coronavirus and pollution go anti with each other. People are saying that because of less traffic density on road, and low tourism environment pollution is decreasing. Let's have an analysis of that, is it really true that coronavirus is lowering the environmental pollution. In my opinion, coronavirus is not reducing the environmental pollution, you may see some direct effects of coronavirus virus on the environment but Indirectly coronavirus affecting nature in the following way:

Water Pollution

Our body and this planet are made of 70% water so there is no need to explain the importance of water for human health and life on this planet, but because of manmade unnatural and non-eco-friendly sources quality of these water resources is continuously diminishing. At Safeguard Environment we have written an article on Water pollution Essay with a motive of providing awareness and importance of water pollution control. Let's have a brief Introduction to Water pollution. What is water pollution? When any external substance inserts into the water and lowers its quality then this phenomenon is known as Water pollution. Sources of Water Pollution: 1. Point Source 2. Diffused Source Types of Water pollution: 1. Natural...

Water Pollution Effects

Our natural body is made of 70% of water if we count only Ocean and seawater resources then 70% of our planet is made up of water. So it is clear that water is very essential for our health and our life.

Classification of Air pollutants

Based on the air pollutants origin source, the classification of air pollutants has been done in two categories. One is the primary source of air pollutants and the second one is the secondary source of air pollutants.

Safeguard Environment - Discover New ways to control pollution

There are two major concerns for all over the world these days. One is global warming and another is terrorism. Many major steps have been taken to control global warming but the desired result is still under wait. I have started the Safeguard environment blog with a motive of providing awareness about new ways to control pollution so that we can make our beautiful planet livable for us and our upcoming generation.