December 17, 2023

4. Pronoun इदम् (this) in Three Genders

Pronouns अयम्, इयम्, इदम् are used for persons and objects that are near to the speaker, according to the noun’s gender.

  • अयम् (masculine gender) this
  • इयम् (feminine gender) this
  • इदम् (neuter gender) this

Rule: The letter म् in the end of a word is replaced by anusvara when the next word begins with a consonant. This is why pronouns अयम्, इयम्, इदम् take forms of अयं, इयं, इदं in some examples below.

Masculine Gender

1. अयम् ईश्वरः

ayam īśvaraḥ this God

2. अयं रथः

ayaṃ rathaḥ this chariot

3. अयं घटः

ayaṃ ghaṭaḥ this pot

Feminine Gender

1. इयम् अम्बा

iyam ambā this mother

2. इयम् इच्छा

iyam icchā this desire

3. इयं शाटिका

iyaṃ śāṭikā this saree

Neuter Gender

1. इदम् आसनम्

idam āsanam this seat

2. इदं चक्रम्

idaṃ cakram this wheel

3. इदं धनम्

idaṃ dhanam this wealth