Interrogative pronoun किम् means “who?” or “what?”
Interrogative pronoun किम् means “who?” or “what?”.
When persons or objects are near, the forms of इदम् pronoun are used. When persons or objects are far, the forms of तद् pronoun are used.
Pronouns तत्, ते, तानि are used for persons and objects indicated by nouns of the neuter gender, according to the noun’s number.
Pronouns सा, ते, ताः are used for persons and objects indicated by nouns of the feminine gender, according to the noun’s number.
Pronouns सः, तौ, ते are used for persons and objects indicated by nouns of the masculine gender, according to the noun’s number.
Pronouns इदम्, इमे, इमानि are used for persons and objects indicated by nouns of the neuter gender, according to the noun’s number.
Pronouns इयम्, इमे, इमाः are used for persons and objects indicated by nouns of the feminine gender, according to the noun’s number.
Pronouns अयम्, इमौ, इमे are used for persons and objects indicated by nouns of the masculine gender, according to the noun’s number.
Pronouns सः, सा, तत् are used for persons and objects that are far from the speaker, according to the noun’s gender.