February 13, 2024
12. Pronouns इदम् (this) and तद् (that)
When persons or objects are near, the forms of इदम् pronoun are used.
When persons or objects are far, the forms of तद् pronoun are used.
Masculine Gender
अयं बालः। सः बालः।
ayaṃ bālaḥ saḥ bālaḥ This is a boy. That is a boy.
इमौ बालौ। तौ बालौ।
imau bālau tau bālau These two are boys. Those two are boys.
इमे बालाः। ते बालाः।
Feminine Gender
इयं बाला। सा बाला।
iyaṃ bālā sā bālā This is a girl. That is a girl.
इमे बाले। ते बाले।
ime bāle te bāle These two are girls. Those two are girls.
इमाः बालाः। ताः बालाः।
Neuter Gender
इदं फलम्। तत् फलम्।
idaṃ phalam tat phalam This is a fruit. That is a fruit.
इमे फले। ते फले।
ime phale te phale These two are fruits. Those two are fruits.
इमानि फलानि। तानि फलानि।
imāni phalāni tāni phalāni These are fruits. Those are fruits.