March 11, 2024

16. Feminine Gender of Interrogative Pronoun किम् 

Interrogative pronoun किम् means “who?” or “what?”. It has three feminine-gender forms in the nominative case.

  • का (feminine, singular) Who? What?
  • के (feminine, dual) Who? What?
  • काः (feminine, plural) Who? What?

Singular Number

सा का अस्ति।

sā kā asti Who is she?

सा नर्तकी अस्ति।

sā nartakī asti She is a dancer.

इयं का भवति।

iyaṃ kā bhavati Who is this female?

इयं शिक्षिका भवति।

iyaṃ śikṣikā bhavati This female is a teacher.

Dual Number

ते के स्तः।

te ke staḥ Who are those two females?

ते नर्तक्यौ स्तः।

te nartakyau staḥ Those two females are dancers.

इमे के भवतः।

ime ke bhavataḥ Who are these two females?

इमे शिक्षिके भवतः।

ime śikṣike bhavataḥ These two females are teachers.

Plural Number

ताः काः सन्ति।

tāḥ kāḥ santi Who are those females?

ताः नर्तक्यः सन्ति।

tāḥ nartakyaḥ santi Those females are dancers.

इमाः काः भवन्ति।

imāḥ kāḥ bhavanti Who are these females?

इमाः शिक्षिकाः भवन्ति।

imāḥ śikṣikāḥ bhavanti These females are teachers.