May 15

Lake "Bezdonnoye": what secrets the most unusual water body near Moscow holds?

The small lake Bezdonnoye is located in the Moscow region, not far from Solnechnogorsk. The lake is an ordinary-looking body of water, however, it holds many mysteries. The poet Alexander Blok recorded in his diary the story of a forester who told him that the lake was somehow connected with the ocean.

Is there a bottom or not?
The debate about how deep this natural reservoir is has been going on for more than a century. There are very different figures - from 4-5 meters to 60-70 meters and even more. Locals tell a half-tale half-legend that Mendeleev, having heard about the amazing lake from his son-in-law Alexander Blok, came here with a lot to measure its depth. The 97-meter rope with a load went into the lake completely, and the bottom could not be found.

Local local historian Fyodor Zheludev said that he himself tried to measure the depth of the lake many times, but in different points of the lake he got very different values - from a few meters to 70, 100 and more. Divers also tried to explore the lake, but no one managed to go down to a depth of more than 4.5 meters, as there begins a layer of compaction - something like heavily silted algae remains. So the question about the bottom is still open, but this is not the only mystery.

The ocean's breath of air
Alexander Blok named the lake in his diary because of the stories told by local peasants. Allegedly, wrecks of ships that had never sailed in the lake were repeatedly found. One of the locals keeps a plaque with the inscription “Santa Maria”, which apparently once belonged to a ship. And back in 2003 a US Navy life jacket was found here, signed with the name of the sailor Sam Belovsky, who had disappeared in the Red Sea some time before.

As Alexander Bobrov tells in his book “The Silver Age of the Moscow Region”, Blok and his contemporaries who came to admire the unusual body of water assumed that it was somehow connected to the world ocean by underwater channels. Dealer research showed that there are indeed at least several underground streams in the depths of the lake.

Theories of origin
The problems of the lake do not end here. Its almost circular shape makes us wonder about its origin. How and when could it have appeared? The answer to the second question has been found - geological studies show that about 12 thousand years ago. But how - it is still unclear. None of the proposed hypotheses - from glacial to impact-meteoritic - does not look flawless. So the unraveling of the mysteries of the Bottomless Lake is still ahead.

How did a U.S. Navy sailor's vest resurface after 4,000 kilometers in a lake in a forest near Moscow?

Ancient legends about Lake Bezdonnoye near Moscow say that it is the “vent of the ocean”. Allegedly, local residents discovered the wrecks of foreign ships surfacing from the bottom of the lake. Confirmation of these legends appeared in the 21st century.2003 in the Moscow region (the vicinity of Solnechnogorsk) was marked by a mysterious event. In Lake Bezdonnoye, Vladimir Saychenko, a driver of the Vereshenskaya village administration, discovered a standard life jacket... of the U.S. Navy with an identification inscription confirming that this property belongs to sailor Sam Belovsky from the destroyer “Cowell”, blown up by terrorists on October 12, 2000 in the port of Aden. Four sailors were tragically killed and 10 were missing, including Sam Belowski.

But how could a life jacket from the Indian Ocean get to a lake lost in the vastness of Central Russia, having traveled 4,000 kilometers in a straight line in three years? What was its path? Consequently, there are some unknown underground ways, tunnels, apparently, connecting rather distant parts of the Earth continents. But by whom and when were they created, and for what purpose?

The local boys repeatedly found on the shore wrecks of sea ships that had surfaced from the lake depths. One of these plaques even bore the inscription: “Santa Maria”. By writing about it in his diary, Alexander Blok immortalized an interesting legend about the “vent of the World Ocean” in the middle of a forest near Moscow.In 2005, two divers dived into the waters of Bottomless Lake.

According to their small report published on the Internet, the water was initially quite clear, and visibility was about 2.5 meters, which allowed to feel comfortable and not afraid of getting lost. At a depth of about 5 meters, the water ended, but what began further, the bottom could not be called. In the water column densely hung muddy suspension, which looks very similar to the bottom. At the same time, the transition from water to “bottom” was not physically felt and further diving was possible, but only in zero visibility conditions. One of the divers plunged into the suspension up to his waist, but then the guys decided not to risk it and returned to the surface.

One of the explanations for such a phenomenon is a powerful outlet of underground water at the bottom of the lake, located somewhere even deeper.And this, so far, is all we know about the Bottomless Lake.

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