The lost legacy
The blog is dedicated to exploring the mysteries of ancient history, alternative historical directions, and the mysteries of ancient civilizations.
18 posts

The Story of Joseph P. Day - The First Real Estate Tycoon

Joseph P. Day was not just a real estate dealer; he was a man with a keen sense of timing and place. During an era when New York City was just beginning its transformation into a major metropolis, Day saw potential where others only saw empty fields and abandoned buildings. His understanding of the city’s economy and population growth allowed him to foresee that real estate would become the key to wealth and influence in the future.

Gaius Cilnius Maecenas: The Story of the Great Patron of the Arts

Today we will talk about a man whose name has become synonymous with patronage of the arts. Gaius Cilnius Maecenas, who lived in the first century BC, was not just a friend of Emperor Augustus, but one of the key figures through whom Roman culture flourished. His influence on the literature and art of ancient Rome cannot be overemphasized, and his example remains relevant to this day.

Lucius Licinius Lucullus: The Story of How Passion for Nature and Luxury Became a Symbol of Wealth and Status

The story of Lucius Licinius Lucullus is an inspiring example of how personal hobbies and passions can lead to wealth and influence. Born into a noble Roman family in the first century BC, Lucullus had a brilliant career in the military and politics, but he became known for more than just his military achievements. His name went down in history for creating magnificent gardens that became a symbol of sophistication and status, as well as a source of considerable income.

A man discovered a secret 120-year-old tunnel under his house

A man opened up the floors of his house and found a strange hole under his house. It was a secret tunnel that turned out to be 120 years old. Inside, there was evidence on old bottles that showed the tunnel dates from the early 1900s, while a piece of newspaper indicates it was blocked up more than 50 years ago.

A student was looking for fossils and found a snitch. But the magic didn't end there - inside was an ancient creature

A British student and aspiring archaeologist found an ancient fossil on the beach. Not only does it resemble a magic snatch from the Harry Potter saga, but it also hides the traces of an unknown creature. However, the find only appears to be gold, and the creature is long extinct, but this only adds to the mystery of the artifact.

The mystery of the most massive and most mysterious ancient artifact - the “Roman dodecahedron” - has been solved

Archaeologists have found more than a hundred “dodecahedrons” of rather complex shape on the vast European territory, but until recently they could not say anything about their purpose

Unexpected finds by miners in coal seams that stumped scientists

Coal deposits are not only valuable minerals that provide heat to some enterprises, organizations and housing where gas pipelines cannot be extended. It is a great way to study the history of the Earth.

Thousands cross Ben Franklin bridge daily, but how many know It's secret?

If you're sitting in traffic on the Ben Franklin Bridge, then you'll have a moment to consider this: the bridge has secret trolley stops and elevators that have never been used.

Lake "Bezdonnoye": what secrets the most unusual water body near Moscow holds?

The small lake Bezdonnoye is located in the Moscow region, not far from Solnechnogorsk. The lake is an ordinary-looking body of water, however, it holds many mysteries. The poet Alexander Blok recorded in his diary the story of a forester who told him that the lake was somehow connected with the ocean.

An abandoned Cold War-era bunker that hid...

The bomb shelter under the Brooklyn Bridge became known only in 2006, when it was found by workers checking the structure of the bridge. Previously, the authorities did not disclose its location for security reasons.