May 20

Unexpected finds by miners in coal seams that stumped scientists

Coal deposits are not only valuable minerals that provide heat to some enterprises, organizations and housing where gas pipelines cannot be extended. It is a great way to study the history of the Earth.

Scientists have established that coal beds were formed on the planet 250 to 350 million years ago. During this period, there were no modern animals yet, and homo sapiens had not yet set foot on these territories: there were no humans on the planet yet. At least, this is what science says. But practice says something quite different, as witnessed by the miners.

The 19th century brought the first gifts to scientists. The rapid growth of industrial production in the United States, England and other countries required the development of the coal industry. Mines appeared on the territory of the states like mushrooms after rain.

But the beginning of the development of coal seams brought not only the coveted fuel, but also many surprises. We are talking about finds of objects, which, according to scientists, could not belong to the time of formation of coal seams.

One of them dates back to 1852, when one of their antique dealers, incidentally engaged in the study of history. presented to his colleagues an object that has a resemblance to a part of a drill. They found it inside a block of coal. Neither the owner of the artifact nor anyone else could explain this fact.

In the late 50s of the 19th century, a human skeleton was found in one of the mines in the coal seams. It resembled the modern one in its structure, but there were some differences in its structure. But this is not what surprised the scientists who were informed about the discovery. The most unusual thing was that it was found in the rock, the formation of which took place when the human being was out of the question.

The year 1871 was marked by a new discovery. In Illinois at a depth of about forty meters workers found in the coal deposits of bronze coins with symbols, drawings and letters on them, to understand and explain the meaning of which was not possible.

It was impossible to compare them with those that had already been found and were in the arsenal of scientists. There was nothing to compare them with.

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by another interesting find. In one of the mines in Oklahoma the workers, while digging coal for the power plant, found in one of the split boulders a cast-iron wok, which was sealed into the coal rock. How and when it could have gotten there, scientists could not explain.

In 1928, in the same place, in Oklahoma, miners at a depth of about a hundred meters of advancement was blocked by an unusual wall. It was made of mirror cubes with a side of 30 cm. According to scientists, the age of the layer where the wall was found was not less than 200 million years. Who when and why erected this wall, remains a mystery.

One of the workers decided to break off a small piece of the wall himself. He examined the shard and claimed that the structure of the find was similar to concrete. But it was not possible to conduct thorough research in this mine. A sudden collapse buried forever the possibility of studying the blocks and determining the time of their appearance.

The middle of the 20th century also pleased and surprised with unusual finds. One of them, a wall, for the manufacture of which shale blocks were used, was found in a mine located in the state of Ohio (USA). It was covered with many incomprehensible signs, the meaning of which could not be deciphered until now.

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