How To Resolve Recovery Pending In SQL Server 2020
When using SQL Database, most of the users face “Pending state error” which further stops database working.
If you are not aware of what is going on with your database then it is better to solve this issue immediately. Here, you will find all possible ways to solve SQL Database restoring issue. sql server dba training helps you to learn more skills and techniques.
SQL Database is one of the most advanced and organized databases that maintain data integrity in a protected mode. But as a SQL server-client, you need to be mindful that it faces a few errors, and one of the most common and documented errors is the Recovery Pending State SQL Server.First of all, we should know the reasons behind the “SQL Database Pending Recovery Error”. Let us begin!
Recovery Pending State in SQL Server reasons of occurrence-
Logfile corruption.
Full of memory space.
When the database is not properly shutdown.
Lack of space for database partition.
When some tasks remain unclosed while shutting down.
Corruption of MDF Files.
Now, it is time to know all about the database states. There are 3 states of SQL server Database that makes database damaged if single or multicore MDF/NDF files get corrupted.
Three SQL Server Database States-
Online: The database will remain available and online if a single file is damaged and can not be accessed.
Suspect: If the transaction log file gets damaged or causes recovery obstructions or prevents transaction rollback from being done, it will result in SQL database failure.
Recovery Pending: The SQL server must run the recovery of the database, but due to some causes it is prevented from starting.
Now after knowing all the states of the database, move forward to know the ways for solving the SQL Database Restoring issue manually.
Alert!!! Make sure that the proper data backups are created before performing any manual solution on the SQL server database. So that data still be available in case of any mistake. Below manual methods can only be done if a user has a profound technical knowledge of the topic. If the user is getting confused with the manual approaches then here is another direct approach also given. sql database administrator training from industrial experts.
Manual Tactics to solve “Pending State Error”
Method 1: Setting SQL Database in an Emergency Mode. Run the below queries:
ALTER DATABASE [D–BName] set single_user
ALTER DATABASE [DB–Name] set multi_user
This Emergency mode will mark the database as READ-ONLY mode, disable logging and making system administrators accessible. DBA is only allowed to connect at this time.
Every technical problem can be solved by entering into an emergency mode and beginning server recovery. And the server will come out of the EMERGENCY mode automatically.
Method 2: Setting the database in an Emergency state, detach state and then reassemble the database. Run the below query:
ALTER DATABASE [DB–Name] set multi_user
EXEC sp_detach_db ‘[DB–Name]’
EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @DBName = ‘[DB–Name]’, @physname = N'[mdf path]’
These above steps delete the corrupted logs automatically and build a new one.
If you have successfully implemented both approaches so far, the solution may be resolved. If not, then moving towards a safer and better solution is recommended, which is an automated process.
Safe and Quick Process-
It is advised to turn to a secure, reliable, and automated third-party solution for a better solution. Use SQL Database Recovery utility to solve SQL Database Pending Recovery Error as it recovers the corrupted MDF and NDF files quickly.
Performs MDF file recovery in two modes i.e advanced and standard mode.
Recovers all file objects including tables, views, stored procedure, programmability, triggers, default, and functions.
This utility saves recovered data in SQL Server compatible Script format or either in the SQL Server database format.
It is compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, 2003, XP and 2000
Also, it supports the SQL Server version such as 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016.
Final Thoughts
In this blog, we addressed the most awaited question “How to solve SQL Database Pending Recovery Error”. Also, we have given reasons behind this error with manual approaches as well. If users don’t have technical knowledge then they may opt for a direct and safer approach as explained above in this blog. SQL server dba online course helps you to learn more effectively.