35 posts

File Handling in Ruby

It is a way of processing a file such as creating a new file, reading content in a file, writing content to a file, appending content to a file, renaming the file and deleting the file. More additional Information On Ruby On Rails Course

Setup Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm in vSphere virtual machines.

Let us create the required number of virtual machines for setting up cluster using the preferred operating system. Here, I am going with Ubuntu-18.04.3. I have planned to setup a cluster using single control plane(master) and three worker nodes.

Kubernetes vs OpenShift

Kubernetes and OpenShift have a lot in common. Actually OpenShift is more or less Kubernetes with some additions. But what exactly is the difference?

How to use Terraform and Kubernetes to manage the IT worlds

Terraform and Kubernetes are the next generation of DevOps tools enabling the whole new layer of DevOps services. Terraform allows literally creating or destroying the whole IT worlds…

Explain SQL replication in DataStage

Replication is a collection of technologies that allow data and database objects to be copied. Then replicate it from one database to another, and then synchronized to maintain continuity between databases. Merge replication is primarily intended for mobile applications or distributed server applications where data conflicts are possible. In this article let us study the SQL replication in DataStage. You can use SQL replication in DataStage but before that you need to install DataStage.

How To Resolve Recovery Pending In SQL Server 2020

If you are not aware of what is going on with your database then it is better to solve this issue immediately. Here, you will find all possible ways to solve SQL Database restoring issue. sql server dba training helps you to learn more skills and techniques.

How to Prepare for Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Exam?

Kubernetes has emerged as a promising container orchestration platform preferred by many enterprises for automating the management of containerized applications. Most important of all, enterprises adopting DevOps approaches are more likely to use Kubernetes. According to the 2018 cloud predictions by Forrester Research, Kubernetes has clearly emerged as a winner among different tools for container orchestration.

How to Establish an Amazon Redshift Connection in DataStage

Amazon Redshift is a data warehouse, which allows us to connect through standard SQL based clients and business intelligence tools effectively. It delivers fast query performance by using row-wise data storage by executing the queries parallel in a cluster on multiple nodes.

Kubernetes vs. Mesos – an Architect’s Perspective

Linux containers are now in common use. But when they were first introduced in 2008, virtual machines, or VMs, were the state-of-the-art option for cloud providers and internal data centers looking to optimize a data center’s physical resources.

SQL is 46 years old - here’s 8 reasons we still use it today

The whole survey is a fascinating foray into the brains of developers and the global software industry.