December 13, 2008

Приколы на работе

Весёлый народ у нас в компании.
Один чувак сегодня нашёл деньги, которые кто-то обронил, и всем послал письмо:

If you recently dropped $6 (a five and a one) by the interrogation room, please comfort yourself in the knowledge that I have appointed myself custodian of your money. If the money is rightfully yours, please visit my cubicle and explain why you would like to keep your money, and perhaps speculate on why you were so careless as to drop it on the floor.I don't need a finder's fee, but expect a stern lecture.(name)

Народ, естественно, подтянулся (привожу некоторые ответы):

(name),I actually dropped $7. Do you mind going back to the interrogation roomand finding that last $1 for me. Drop by my cube when you're done.Thanks!(name)
My sack of money sprung a leak so I've been dropping small bills all over the place. From now until the end of the year, any money found obviously belongs to me.(name)

А ещё сегодня у нас было соревнование на самый дурацкий рождественский свитер, ну и вообще на самый дурацкий праздничный наряд. Жаль, я фотик забыл.

Ну и работаем ещё

. На самом деле сегодня усиленно даже.