October 8, 2022

My first post

I've been learning english already 330 days. I do this with Duolingo. Now I think It goes time to learn how to formulate thoughts in English on my own. Yes, I know, I will make a lot of mistakes, sometimes i will use the yandex translate, but I'm going to learn to speak and write English. And I think nobody going to read my diary, tough i would like some feedback. Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it will some good practice for me.

So, my first english diary note. What is going on today?

Today there was big explosion on the bridge in Crimea. Massmedia and government tell us it was terrorism act. I want this war over as soon as it possible. But I think whole this situation will be ending next year only. Yes, I am optimist.

Should I post some picture of the day? May be yes but I'm lazy today. Or may be later.