10 posts

Why was the French writer Georges  Simenon so famous in Soviet Union? (No, really, why? I don't understand)

Sometimes, while working, I listen to old soviet radio plays. In the Soviet Radio there were a lot really cool genres from criminal book to sci-fi. It sounds likes audiobook but with intersound and several actors. And really famous actors gave their voices to really famous characters from the world treasury of literature.


Yesterday I found that my favorite tv-show was delete from streaming service I was subscribe. No more "The Big Bang Theory", there aren't a few other shows. Because of copy-fucking-right-fucking-owners and west sanctions. So... The streaming service and right owners with their sanctions as well, they all are going fuck themselves. But I'm putting on my eye's patch. Arrr!

That's Christmas time

The winter is finally come. It's cold outside. December has just begun. And the people start to getting ready to New Years' holidays.

"Kiss me, you fool" What does it mean?

I have stumbled this idoma a lot of times. For the first time it was in the cartoon show "Phineas and Ferb". Then it was in "Friends" and other movies and TV shows.

Does it make any sence?

I've back to regular life. I slept well during three last days and I got some time to think about this diary. I asked myself, does it make sense? What if all this diary notes are just word soup? Do these notes giving me some help? And I think that yes. Although I would get more avail with some human's feedback. But even without any readers (and their comments) I was able to find several mistakes in my notes! A big progress, I think!

I feel sick

Even if I wanted to do exercises I couldn't. I have all the symptoms of a cold. I have a fever and a headache. This is a side effect of the vaccine injection. I slept and lay on my couch all day. And I will do it further. I believe I will be healthy tomorrow.

My second shot

Today I got my second portion of the Sputnik V. Now I believe that I have a long immunitate for the next six month. Or the nine month. But I have a strange feeling that covid already doesn't have past relevance. Some people are still have ill, some people are still even dying every day, but this already doesn't matter. There are no self isolation, no strong recommendation for wearing masks. The World won the infection, right? Or perhaps are there were nothing? No, of course there was a big epidemic, there was and there is. I think, the humanity now can cure the ill more easily than last years. And the World have now another big problem. Actually it have a lot of heavy problems. This is the crisis of whole past life. So we can move the...

Instagramm without some photos

Today I watched my instagramm feed. Yes, I know, this social net is disable in Russia, but not so hard as it has to, so anybody can read and watch it. With some VPN.

My first post

I've been learning english already 330 days. I do this with Duolingo. Now I think It goes time to learn how to formulate thoughts in English on my own. Yes, I know, I will make a lot of mistakes, sometimes i will use the yandex translate, but I'm going to learn to speak and write English. And I think nobody going to read my diary, tough i would like some feedback. Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it will some good practice for me.

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