I consider myself a mid-level player, I have learned some, but I also have a lot to learn.
But I'm ready to share my skills and knowledge on how to grow evenly in this game in a convenient “reading” format.
In this article below are links to my materials.
Free boost with gold and resources. (for real)
Donate or not donate, or what question Shakespeare didn't ask.
Why buying a gold pass isn't such a bad idea.
A little about the economics of the game: castle's factories.
(in work) A little about the economy of the game: where to get resources then?
(in work) A little about the management of your army: painful truth
(in work) Best set of captains when there's no dough.
(in work) How to survive in this world without being stripped down to your bare bones.
(in work) How to help the clan survive and not fall out yourself.
If you have any requests, post them below.
If you are willing to share knowledge, you can send me material, I will post it and credit you as the author if you wish.