April 27, 2024

How to Fill Out the Product Catalog?

After creating your shop, you will be sent a link to a product catalog spreadsheet based on the template you chose. If you do not see the email, please check your spam. If you encounter any difficulties in creating your store, contact us.

How to Fill Out the Spreadsheet?

We will use the example of a pizzeria 🍕

Here, you will need to fill in the product categories that will be displayed on the main page of the store. You can change the data in the table itself or in the "Add Category" section. Whichever is more convenient for you.

Enter the name of the product categories here, for example, pizza, drinks, desserts, combos.

Assign Parent Category
Here, you can specify a category that includes another category, like in a nesting doll. The field can be empty if your category does not fall into another. You can select only one parent category by clicking on the "+".

Example: There is a category named “Menu," and other categories like “Salads,” “Soups,” “Drinks,” etc. For these categories, you can specify “Menu” as the parent category. Thus, all listed categories will be displayed within the parent category, i.e., in the “Menu.”

Each category can have its own image, which will be displayed in the store. The system works with all popular formats: jpeg, png, webp.

Read a separate article on how to choose the best images to improve your store's design.

Here, you will need to enter all your products and specify the category it belongs to, as well as price, product description, image link, composition, etc.
Click on products and fill in the data directly in the table, or you can add products in the "Add Product" or "Product Cards" sections, whichever is convenient for you.

Enter the product name here. For example, “Hawaiian Pizza” or “Banana Pie.”

Here, specify the appropriate category from the previous "Product Categories" tab. You can add multiple categories.
Example: The product “Hawaiian Pizza,” which belongs to the “Pizza” category, also falls under the “Combo” category.

Enter the product description here. It could be a general description, the composition of the product, or, for example, the nutritional value.

Price / Discounted Price
Specify the price of the product here. If the product is on discount, fill in both fields.

By default, RUB is specified. If you are selling in another currency or crypto, contact support @ShopDevTeam.

Similarly to categories, add images of products here, which will be displayed with the product. The system works with all popular formats: jpeg, png, webp.
Read a separate article on how to choose the best images to improve your store's design.

Available Quantity / Size / Dough / Weight / Set Composition / Number in Set / Volume
These criteria are optional, so they can be left empty. If you want to add other criteria in the "Products" section, add a new column by clicking the "+" sign.

Bot Messages
In this tab, you can write your text for notifications that are sent to customers when interacting with the bot.

/start — a mandatory command that cannot be deleted. The text for this command can be absolutely anything. This text will be displayed to the user when the bot is first launched and when the command is sent subsequently.

Example text for start:

Welcome to our pizzeria!
Here you can order Neapolitan-style pizza with free city delivery.
We guarantee delivery within an hour. If this does not happen, we will return your money and treat you to pizza!

You can add any other commands, but they must start with the "/" symbol, as in the example above.
For example, you can create a command /help, and in the text enter: “If you have any questions, contact @admin.”

Thus, when the user enters the /help command, the bot will send them a message with the specified text, with @admin being a clickable link. Telegram automatically displays words starting with the "@" symbol as a link to the user, with the username following the symbol.
Using this command, the user can contact the store administrator if needed.

Order Statuses
Here, you specify a list of statuses that will be assigned to orders and the text that will be displayed in user messages and in the order processing group when the order status changes.
If, for example, you do not plan to connect a payment system, but want to accept payments to a card, we recommend using the status text "Order Not Paid," which will come to the client after placing the order, adding your details:

Order created: {order_number} {order_products}

Delivery type: {order_delivery_type}

Delivery details: {order_delivery_info}

Desired delivery date: {order_date_from}

Comment: {order_comment}

Order amount: to pay for the order transfer {order_amount} RUB to card XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX

Order status: Not Paid

Congratulations, your store is now fully ready, and you can start accepting your first orders! 🎉