The Researcher
14 posts


Plastic recycling refers to the process of recovering waste or scrap plastic and reprocessing the materials into functional and useful products. This activity is known as the plastic recycling process. The goal of recycling plastic is to reduce high rates of plastic pollution while putting less pressure on virgin materials to produce brand new plastic products. This approach helps to conserve resources and diverts plastics from landfills or unintended destinations such as oceans.

Vertical Gardens: A Growing Design Trend in Green Construction

What if you could create a building that would conserve energy, improve air quality and save water? And what if that building also served up the visual feast of a lush, green oasis in the midst of a concrete jungle?

Aquaculture Additives - Boost up the Immunity of the Aquatic Organisms

An increase in demand for aquaculture additives in developing countries and extensive use of these additives to enhance the overall aquaculture production are factors expected to drive the aquaculture additive market. This is further encouraging companies to increase the production of these additives.

Predictive Analytics in Manufacturing: A Winning Edge

The modern manufacturing world is a delicate dance, filled with interconnected pieces that all need to work perfectly in order to produce the goods that keep the world running.

Organic Fertilizers Market - Know How it is Growing?

The organic Fertilizers Market is expected to reach US$15,168.62 million in 2027.

4 Reasons Why Voice Technology is Taking Over Businesses Today

Technology is taking over our lives and businesses too! This would be an understatement though and the evidence is there for all of us to see the way in which we are interacting with technology for the smallest of tasks today. While AI and Machine Learning are making the unimaginable dreams come true; voice-search is one of the in-things today, and more so for businesses!

4 Factors that Can Influence Your B2B Lead Generation Results

B2B marketers are fond of numbers! Numbers or leads; it means business at the end of the day! And when it comes to b2b lead generation; there’s no doubt that inbound marketing enhances it manifold. Likewise; content and various other factors have a great impact in deciding the fate of lead generation for any organization.

ABM: The Wonder of B2B Sales and Marketing

It would be right if one said that ABM (Account Based Marketing) blurs the boundaries between sales and marketing. In fact; it is a means to more collaborative and comprehensive sales and marketing efforts for better business outcomes for the B2B marketers. No wonder everyone today is embracing this wonder of the sales and marketing world.

How to Up Your Game to Convert More B2B Leads

Wonder how you can up the game of lead generation and get all the good leads that you always wanted? Think out-of-the-box and be more open to innovative approaches to improvise.

How to Make Remote Working More Productive

Working from home can be productive and satisfying, yes, that’s true! If you set a few things right and follow a few rules for yourself; none of the work-from-home challenges can get in your way.