March 13, 2020

Future career

All our lives we constantly have to choose something. Starting from the usual daily issues and ending with global problems. The most important choice that every person makes in his life is the choice of his future profession.

Probably each of us wondered: What do I want to become? This question is one of the most difficult. Indeed, there are so many professions, but you have to choose one! And you need to make the right choice, then to enjoy what you do. However, sooner or later, everyone begins to realize what he would like to do his whole life.

I am in the ninth grade, but the question of choosing a profession has been worrying me for a very long time. From an early age, I dreamed of being either an astronaut, a pilot, or a football player.
I remember how in my childhood I dreamed of becoming an astronaut and flying in space. I began to be interested in this: How to fly in space? What do astronauts eat in outer space? It was very interesting to learn about space and astronauts. For example, did you know that the first spacewalk was made by the Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov on March 18, 1965 from the board of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft using a flexible (inflatable) lock chamber.

The second profession that I was passionate about is Pilot. Like any other person, I take an example from my brother. Recently, my brother entered the 《Academy Civil Aviation》 in Almaty. When he has time, he comes home and says: How to fly? How should a pilot behave in an emergency? Etc. I was very interested in his stories and I also wanted to become a pilot and experience this ease of flight. After the story of my brother, I became interested in this profession and learned a lot of new things for myself about this profession. But also, in spite of my dreams, I do not forget to listen to my parents and ask them which profession I should choose.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I still have not decided on my future profession. But I have some guesses as to which profession I should choose. I hope everyone will be able to make the right choice and enjoy the chosen profession.