October 4, 2022

Admins DAO (ADAO)

Admins DAO (ADAO) is the largest CIS community consisting of ~200 crypto and NFT-oriented bloggers with a total audience of ~2,000,000 subscribers. We have a huge range of services:

  • Advertising in Telegram
  • Advertising in Youtube
  • AMA sessions
  • Moderators who speak many different languages (Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, English, Hungarian, German, etc.)
  • Assistance with listings on CEX exchanges Help with access to launchpads
  • Financing


How much does advertising in Telegram cost? - ADAO has a monopoly in CIS telegram bloggers and we dictate the price among bloggers, but the price of course depends on the goals. First of all, it is necessary to determine the goal of advertising that we need to achieve: is it to attract people to sales (NFT mint/ IDO), where 1 post is enough, or is it a complex advertisement in several advertising posts, where the goal is to gain a loyal audience and increase the trust of people who will then express willingness to buy assets of the project.

How much does advertising in Youtube cost? - Youtubers have a floating price tag, so we issue a price list on request.

Do we pay for clicks or views? - You pay only for views.

How do you ensure that your bloggers are not using bots? - We check all our bloggers with 3 tools:

  • Telemetr (this is an analytical service for Telegram channels)
  • Internal statistics from Telegram, which cannot be deceived)
  • We check the average amount of views of bloggers per week, which will be paid. For example, a blogger has the following views during the week: 1900-2000-2100, in this case we take the average number of views — 2000, which will be paid. In this case, it makes no sense to cheat, because he will not receive more payment. Thus, we guarantee that there will be no fake views. If we talk about paying for clicks, then we cannot control the absence of cheating, because there is no tracking mechanism.

What blockchains and projects do you work with? - Our bloggers develop in all areas of crypto and show their subscribers how to make money in crypto and NFT spheres .

How lively and active is your audience? - We have a very loyal and active audience. Each blogger has a chat in which he or she communicates with subscribers, also makes giveaways for them. Our influencers held gaming competitions in Dota 2 and Counter-Strike among themselves, our subscribers watched it all through Twitch and even made bets. This is an indicator of great trust in our bloggers.

How quickly do you organize an advertising campaign? - If everything is fine with the deadlines, then we need up to 3 days to launch ads in Telegtam or up to 7 days if it concerns YouTube. If you need to launch urgently, then we can prepare everything and launch advertising within 24 hours.

Are all the bloggers in one place or do you write to everyone in private messages? - All our bloggers are in the same Telegram channel, and we also collect applications manually, this allows us to increase the effectiveness of ADAO.

Do you have any stages in our proposal? - Our work is arranged in several stages:

  • Building a marketing plan
  • Budget definition
  • Collecting information about the project for the presentation in ADAO to collect applications
  • Creating a working chat where bloggers and a project representative are added. In this chat, bloggers get a technical task and they independently write posts / shoot videos, where we already control the quality of their content

Do your bloggers write posts themselves? - Yes, of course. Our bloggers write posts based on the terms of reference. We don't have any copy paste at all.

Do you accept the payment in tokens or NFTs? - In general, we may consider partial payment in tokens or NFT, but it depends on certain factors and general market sentiment.

Do you work for % of sales or through a referral link? - Unfortunately we don't.

What result will we get if we would like to accept your offer? - Of course, we cannot guarantee the result, but we have the average indicators that you can focus on:

  • Clicks up to 10% of total views
  • We can't provide an average amount of purchases, but there are cases that will show the involvement of our audience and how we can work

Cases | Statistics | Results

Case #1 Amazy

Amazy https://amazy.io/

We were responsible for half of the traffic in the CIS and we worked with Amazy in 5 posts

First post was before IDO. Thanks to joint work with other bloggers, it was possible to pump the price of x30-x40 from the public price (1st candle)

2nd post was almost immediately after IDO, where we used to tell about the great updates about the project. We managed to pumb the price by 35% with a marker cap of $15,000,000


3d, 4th and 5th were simply informative about stages of the project.

Participated: 50 bloggers
5 posts in total.

Case #2 The Age of Gangs

The Age of Gangs https://theageofgangs.io/

They bought 2 posts from us:
First one for more active members in their social networks
Second one for sales on Binance.
There are 2 types of sales on Binance: where everything can be sold out, but it is difficult to join there and second type where absolutely everyone can join if you are not a scammer.
In the 2nd case project should control marketing themselves. There was a bit of advertising from YouTubers and our ADAO. In a couple of days our audience bought their NFTs for $110,000 and the collection got Top 2 on Binance. After that, the project came to us again to ask for the third post and made another sale.

Participated: 25 bloggers
3 posts in total.

Case #3 Goons

Goons https://goonsofbalatroon.com/

We worked with Goons urgently. There was no time to prepare, we organized advertising in 5 hours. There were more than 100 of our bloggers participated and we also connected 2 other DAOs which we know.

Participated: 100+ bloggers and 2 DAOs
1 Post in total (Before the sale)


CANABOYZ https://canaboyz.io/

Here we had a complex work. We had to bring people to their social networks and also to their YouTube online broadcast.

Participated: 37 bloggers
2 posts in total.

Case #5 Kotaro Sharks

Kotaro Sharks https://kotarosharks.io/

Kotaro Sharks is a casino on the Solana blockchain. The project bought 2 posts from us, where 1st post was for bringing loyal audience to their socials, 2nd post was with a call to buy their NFT.
Everything was successful, our audience bought 2000 NFTs which price was 2 SOL and now their turnover is 12k+ SOL.

Participated: 11 bloggers
2 posts in total

Case #6 Near Trees (the project is cancelled)

Near Trees https://near-trees.enleap.app/

There were no active users in the project. We agreed with them that we will make 3 posts for them from each blogger: OG mint, WL mint and public mint.
Thanks to our advertising, our audience managed to mint 25% ($25,000) of the total supply.

Participated: 29 bloggers
3 posts in total.


Case #7 Majestic (the project is cancelled)

Majestic https://twitter.com/AioMajestic

The project came to us with no audience at all.
We agreed to work with 2 posts for them. After the 1st post, the project received 500 followers in Twitter and about 700 followers in Discord. This is 7% of the total number of views that the project ordered from us.

Participated: 11 bloggers
2 posts in total.


As you can see, we have a very active and wealthy audience which we can bring to you and raise your project to a new level.

As for the rest of the services, everything is based on individual terms, which must be discussed at the meeting.