September 7, 2022

Aleo and his desire to achieve the impossible!

Today I want to tell you about a very cool project that has raised an incredible amount of funding, and this is Aleo — the first platform to offer completely private applications. And it achieves this through the use of decentralized systems and zero-knowledge cryptography to protect user data on the Internet. In short, Aleo offers users and application developers unlimited computing resources with absolute privacy.

More about the project

By designing Aleo as a blockchain that is private, open source, and built for the web by default, the team believes it is uniquely positioned to address the shortcomings of blockchain adoption. With Aleo, users have access to a world of truly personalized web services without relinquishing control over their personal data. I believe that Aleo will change the role of decentralized systems in society and introduce new features that were not previously available on the web.

The problem of accepting the ecosystem.

For most, blockchain is just a concept. Most blockchains are permissionless, which does not mean that they are available to everyone, as concepts and terminology create real barriers. Many people call this the adaptation problem. It’s much more fundamental.

First, existing blockchains are not suitable for real applications. For example, the idea of ​​creating smart contract mixers and dark pools on Ethereum remains a fallacy. Without privacy, these applications cannot fully protect the user’s actions. It just doesn’t work.

Secondly, technologies should not develop for their own sake. For us, a technology is worth developing when it solves a real-world problem. Instead, many blockchains are created as solutions to find problems.

Third, new technologies attract players who complicate the technology’s value proposition. For example, the recent emergence of closed source scaling mechanisms was the second wave of the initial era of permissioned blockchains. It goes without saying that vendor lock-in is rarely a good thing, especially when it comes to “unreliable” solutions.

The next step for the network

In the next decade, web services will evolve to become truly personal, living in more places than just your browser, and talking about every intimate detail of our personal lives. There are already examples to prove this. Our private lives have become public domain, and as web services become more private, we need to rethink how we control our data. Today there is no such thing as private web data. If it lives on the network, then someone else owns it. Users should not share their personal data.

Instead, users should be able to run their data on transparent algorithms from the provider. And providers don’t need to store, process, or communicate user data. Instead, they should be able to pass their work on to the user and simply check the answer. By providing services in this way, neither the user nor the provider learns more than they should, and control over personal data remains with the user.

Because the existing web is a subset of this model, users can use concepts they already know from the web to interact with Aleo. And by introducing private applications as a new layer on the Internet, providers can offer users new experiences without replacing their stack.

Aleo and their language

Aleo is built for the web. Unlike existing solutions that seek to replace it, Aleo is designed to integrate with it. Users are presented with new experiences that are both truly personal and truly private. And for developers, Aleo introduces a programming model that integrates with existing web applications.

To make it intuitive and easy to write private applications on Aleo, the team developed a programming language called Leo. It looks and works like a traditional programming language. However, under the hood is much more complicated. Leo abstracts away low-level cryptographic concepts and makes it easy to integrate private applications into your stack.

To speed up the development cycle, the team created Aleo Studio, the first IDE for writing zero-knowledge applications. For developers, Aleo Studio is designed to simplify the development cycle. Inside, Aleo Studio connects you to the network, making it easy to quickly test and publish transactions online.

The team wants to make Leo the new standard for writing private applications on the web and believe that by providing the best toolset and infrastructure for it, application developers will help us integrate the technology and make private applications a part of every user’s web experience. . Because private data should be private.

Investors and partners

Aleo, a leading platform for building blockchain-based private applications, has raised over $200 million in funding led by Kora Management LP and SoftBank Vision Fund 2, with participation from Tiger Global, Sea Capital. , Samsung Next, Slow Ventures, and Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), valuing the company at $1.45 billion.

The goal at Aleo is "to lay the foundation for the next generation of decentralized web applications," said Howard Wu, CEO and CTO of Aleo. “We want to use technologies like zero-knowledge proofs and blockchains to create a developer ecosystem that enriches and empowers users online.”

Ambassador Program

The aim of the Ambassador Program is to bring together people from all over the world who are passionate about Aleo and want to support the project by promoting acceptance, raising awareness and strengthening the community.

To become an ambassador, you need to do the work and then, when the submission form becomes available, attach all the work there. Ambassadors will also have different roles in Discord (Maestro and Apprentice). As a representative, you will be associated with the Aleo Ambassador program and will be featured in the project’s promotional initiatives.

Examples of what representatives are responsible for include:

  • Create unique content by writing blogs or contributing to code and tutorials.
  • Examples include writing an article about Leo or Aleo's competitors.
  • Translation of existing Aleo content
  • Meetings
  • Representing different regions in our international community
  • Increasing Aleo Developer Resources
  • Support for initiatives around Aleo and the ZK community
  • Community management
  • Recruitment of new ambassadors
  • Language channels in Discord
  • Helping each other to develop a community focused on quality and trust

The team expects you to complete at least two items from this list each month.


The Aleo project has raised a lot of investments, it has a cool idea and a great future. I advise you to subscribe to the social networks of the project and start following it, making content and trying to become an ambassador. I'll leave all the links below!


