26 posts

What does information asymmetry cost users?

Blockchain as a technology was originally designed to be transparent by default. This focus cannot be compared to today’s Web 2.0 companies, which have closed ecosystems and capitalize on the user’s extracted information.

Zero Knowledge Primitives by Aleo

Introducing the core components of any proprietary programmable application for the Web3 ecosystem. Powered by Aleo.Zero knowledge technology

How zero knowledge is changing the scales of the Internet

Ten years ago, it was hard to imagine how much we now rely on the Internet. Today, however, most of our economic and social activity takes place online. The benefits of this change are especially evident in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses that have never relied on the Internet before are using it to attract new customers and customers to stay afloat. Families use it to stay connected while physically apart during the holiday season.

What is ZEXE?

Distributed ledger systems have become popular since the advent of cryptocurrencies. A typical distributed ledger scheme is built on blockchain technology, which is distinguished by a special data structure that stores information about transactions in the form of blocks. These blocks of data are “linked” or linked together by a cryptographically calculated number called a hash, and this hash uniquely identifies a given block.

09/07 AMA with Piotr! [ES]

09/07 AMA with Piotr! [UA]

09/07 AMA with Piotr! [RU]

09/07 AMA with Piotr!

Aleo and his desire to achieve the impossible!

Today I want to tell you about a very cool project that has raised an incredible amount of funding, and this is Aleo — the first platform to offer completely private applications. And it achieves this through the use of decentralized systems and zero-knowledge cryptography to protect user data on the Internet. In short, Aleo offers users and application developers unlimited computing resources with absolute privacy.

Aleo и его желания достичь невозможного!

Сегодня я хочу вам рассказать про очень крутой проект, который собрал невероятное количество финансирования, и это Aleo - первая платформа, предлагающая полностью приватные приложения. И достигает он этого благодаря использованию децентрализованных систем и криптографии с нулевым разглашением для защиты пользовательских данных в Интернете. Если коротко, то Aleo предлагает пользователям и разработчикам приложений неограниченные вычислительные ресурсы с абсолютной конфиденциальностью.