1) https://www.biconomy.io/ Квесты - https://rewards.biconomy.io/quest Мост - https://hyphen.biconomy.io/bridge Подробнее - https://medium.com/biconomy/ready-for-quests-biconomy-rewards-platform-v2-is-now-live-7b7956728061
KYVE is a protocol that allows data providers to standardize, validate, and permanently store blockchain data streams. Using persistent storage solutions such as Arweave, the KYVE Cosmos SDK chain creates persistent backups and ensures that these resources are scalable, immutable, and available over time. The KYVE network is based on decentralized archivers and validators funded by $KYVE tokens and intends to operate as a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) in the near future. Once upon a time in a far, far galaxy, a team of determined, passionate people came together to build a system that they hoped would change the way data is stored and queried around the world.
Revolut- это европейский банк из щедрой системой по оплате новых пользователей.
Revolut- это европейский банк из щедрой системой по оплате новых пользователей.