December 13, 2021

Междометие от существительного в звательном падеже

Излишняя пафосность или приторность не очень свойственна русскому языку (как там у Есенина "о любви в словах не говорят"), иногда вот это самое чувство любви, например, к родному месту легче высказать популярной английской фразой home sweet home, разбавляя патоку сентиментальности долей адекватной ироничности (ибо, в большинстве случаев, home sweet home - это цитата из детских мультиков).

Home sweet home! - Дом, милый дом (таков словарный перевод, а по сути фраза эта вне иронии соответствует русской "господи, как хорошо дома-то!" - здесь возглас "господи" или Господи - это междометие, произошедшее от звательного падежа слова Господьгосподи )

Словарный экскурс в словари Lingvo X6 компании ABBYY и не только:

дом: house home household dwelling

home [həum] / I 1. 1) а) дом, жилище country home — дом в деревне, загородный дом summer home — летний дом winter home — зимний дом at home — дома, у себя to go on / make a home visit — съездить домой to build a home — строить дом to make one's home at, in — поселиться (где-л.) to provide a home for smb. — обеспечивать кого-л. домом San Francisco was home to them for years. — Они жили в Сан-Франциско много лет. Make yourself at home. — Будьте (чувствуйте себя) как дома. - establish a home - ancestral home - mobile home - starter home Syn: abode , domicile , habitation , hovel , residence , dwelling place , house б) семья, домочадцы; домашний очаг, уют broken home — распавшаяся семья good home — хорошая семья - foster home Syn: family , household в) приют - orphan's home г) логово; нора; гнездо 2) а) родной дом, родина Syn: motherland б) родина, место распространения (растений, животных) в) метрополия 3) дом (как часть названия какой-л. службы, учреждения) to manage / operate / run a home — управлять учреждением - convalescent home - detention home - funeral home - remand home - rest home - retirement home - nursing home 4) дом (в играх) • to be not at home to anyone — не принимать никого to be / feel at home in French — хорошо владеть французским языком to romp home — быстро и легко победить - last home - long home - send smb. home - when smb.'s at home 2. 1) а) домашний - home science б) родной, семейный home life — семейная жизнь Syn: family , domestic в) соседний, соседский, не удалённый от центра - Home Counties г) проходящий на родной для команды территории (о соревновании) 2) отечественный, неимпортный, внутренний, не иностранный - home market - home office - Home Secretary Ant: foreign 3) попавший, бьющий в точку, в центр; адекватный, соответствующий home question — вопрос по сути - home key - home thrust - home truth Syn: searching , poignant , pointed , effective , appropriate • home bird — домосед 3. 1) а) дома; в защищённом месте, в безопасности My son will be home soon. — Мой сын скоро будет дома. б) домой; восвояси Yankee, go home! — Янки, прочь отсюда! (лозунг антиамериканской пропаганды) 2) а) точно в цель; в самую точку; по самой сути The blow got quite home. — Удар пришёлся точно в цель. б) до конца, до отказа; туго, накрепко Strike the nail home. — Забей гвоздь до конца. • to bring oneself home, to come / get home — оправиться (после денежных затруднений) ; занять прежнее положение to come home to — доходить (до сердца) , найти отклик в душе; доходить (до сознания) ; быть понятным nothing to write home about — так себе, ничего особенного - bring smth. home to smb. - bring a crime home to smb. - touch home - call home - home and dry 4. 1) а) возвращаться домой, успешно достигать дома (в частности, о почтовых голубях и вообще о животном, вернувшемся в исходную среду обитания после того, как оно было из неё насильственно изъято) "Shall we home?" Adrian inquired. — "Не пора ли нам домой?" спросил Адриан. б) посылать, отправлять, направлять домой в) обучать почтового голубя возвращаться домой г) наводиться, нацеливаться (о самолёте, ракете, торпеде) д) ориентироваться (по радио, звёздам, другим ориентирам) , идти к цели 2) а) предоставлять жильё б) жить (у кого-л. или с кем-л.) - home with smb. в) обустраиваться, заводить хозяйство When I am housed and homed. — Ко времени, когда я обустроюсь ...

home 1. noun 1) the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household the floods forced many people to flee their homes I was nineteen when I left home and went to college ■ the family or social unit occupying a permanent residence he came from a good home ■ a house or flat considered as a commercial property low-cost homes for first-time buyers [as modifier] the growth in home ownership ■ the district or country where one was born or has settled on a long-term basis they have made Provence their home ■ a place where something flourishes, is most typically found, or from which it originates Montana is home to a surprising number of rare mammals ■ a place where an object is kept 2) an institution for people needing professional care or supervision an old people's home 3) the finishing point in a race he was four fences from home ■ (in games) the place where a player is free from attack ■ (in lacrosse) each of the three players stationed nearest their opponents' goal ■ short for home plate ■ a match played or won by a team on their own ground 2. adjective [attrib.] 1) relating to the place where one lives I don't have your home address ■ made, done, or intended for use in the home traditional home cooking a home computer ■ relating to one's own country we need to stimulate demand within the UK home market 2) (of a sports team or player) belonging to the country or locality in which a sporting event takes place the home side ■ played on or connected with a team's own ground their first home match of the season 3) denoting the administrative centre of an organization the company has moved its home office 3. adverb to or at the place where one lives what time did he get home last night? ■ to the end or conclusion of a race or something difficult the favourite romped home six lengths clear ■ to the intended or correct position he slid the bolt home noisily 4. verb [no obj.] 1) (of an animal) return by instinct to its territory after leaving it a dozen geese homing to their summer nesting grounds ■ (of a pigeon bred for long-distance racing) fly back to or arrive at its loft after being released at a distant point 2) (home in on) move or be aimed towards (a target or destination) with great accuracy more than 100 missiles were launched, homing in on radar emissions ■ focus attention on a teaching style which homes in on what is of central importance for each pupil 3) [with obj.] provide (an animal) with a home as a pet • - at home - bring something home to - close to home - come home - come home to someone - drive something home - hit home - home and dry - home from home - home is where the heart is - home, James! - home sweet home - set up home - when — — 's at home Derivatives: homelike adjective Origin: Old English hām, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch heem and German Heim •• Usage: Note that the phrasal verb meaning ‘move accurately towards a target’ is home in on, not hone in on. More than a third of citations for this expression in the Oxford English Corpus are for the incorrect form home I [ho͟ʊm] NOUN, ADJECTIVE, AND ADVERB USES homes 1) oft N, also at N Someone's home is the house or flat where they live. Last night they stayed at home and watched TV... The General divided his time between his shabby offices in Carlton Gardens and his home in Hampstead. ...the allocation of land for new homes. 2) N-UNCOUNT You can use home to refer in a general way to the house, town, or country where someone lives now or where they were born, often to emphasize that they feel they belong in that place. She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad... His father worked away from home for much of Jim's first five years... At seventeen, Daniele was told to leave home by her father... Ms Highsmith has made Switzerland her home... Warwick is home to some 550 international students... Brian decided to leave the UK and set up home in Southern Spain... He has moved back to his home town of Miami. 3) ADV after , be ADV Home means to or at the place where you live. His wife wasn't feeling too well and she wanted to go home... I'll telephone you as soon as I get home... Hi, Mom, I'm home!... Company officials say striking union members should stay home today. 4) ADJ Home means made or done in the place where you live. but healthy home cooking... All you have to do is make a home video. 5) ADJ Home means relating to your own country as opposed to foreign countries. Europe's software companies still have a growing home market. ...the Guardian's home news pages. Syn: domestic 6) A home is a large house or institution where a number of people live and are looked after, instead of living in their own houses or flats. They usually live there because they are too old or ill to look after themselves or for their families to care for them. It's going to be a home for handicapped children. old people's home. 7) You can refer to a family unit as a home. She had, at any rate, provided a peaceful and loving home for Harriet... Single-parent homes are commonplace. 8) with , usu N of If you refer to the home of something, you mean the place where it began or where it is most typically found. This south-west region of France is the home of claret. 9) oft N for If you find a home for something, you find a place where it can be kept. The equipment itself is getting smaller, neater and easier to find a home for. 10) ADV after If you press, drive, or hammer something home, you explain it to people as forcefully as possible. It is now up to all of us to debate this issue and press home the argument. 11) usu at N When a sports team plays at home, they play a game on their own ground, rather than on the opposing team's ground. I scored in both games against Barcelona; we drew at home and beat them away. Ant: away ADJ Home is also an adjective. All three are Chelsea fans, and attend all home games together. 12) PHR If you feel at home, you feel comfortable in the place or situation that you are in. He spoke very good English and appeared pleased to see us, and we soon felt quite at home... I am not completely at home in any Protestant Church. 13) V inflects, usu PHR to To bring something home to someone means to make them understand how important or serious it is. Their sobering conversation brought home to everyone present the serious and worthwhile work the Red Cross does. 14) PHR If you say that someone is, in British English home and dry, or in American English home free, you mean that they have been successful or that they are certain to be successful. The prime minister and the moderates are not yet home and dry. 15) V inflects If a situation or what someone says hits home or strikes home, people accept that it is real or true, even though it may be painful for them to realize. Did the reality of war finally hit home?... Israeli officials say that message struck home. 16) usu PHR (approval) You can say a home from home in British English or a home away from home in American English to refer to a place in which you are as comfortable as in your own home. Many cottages are a home from home, offering microwaves, dishwashers, tvs and videos. 17) (politeness) If you say to a guest `Make yourself at home', you are making them feel welcome and inviting them to behave in an informal, relaxed way. 18) PHR If you say that something is nothing to write home about, you mean that it is not very interesting or exciting. [INFORMAL] So a dreary Monday afternoon in Walthamstow is nothing to write home about, right? 19) V inflects If something that is thrown or fired strikes home, it reaches its target. [WRITTEN] Only two torpedoes struck home. II [ho͟ʊm] USES homes, homing, homed Phrasal Verbs: - home in

home in (home in on) 1) нацеливаться на (кого-л. / что-л.) , наводить на цель по (кому-л. / чему-л.) Missiles homed in on enemy radar beams. — Ракеты наводились на цель по лучу РЛС противника. The camera homed in on a weird-looking plant. — Камеру навели на диковинное растение. 2) вести огонь по (кому-л. / чему-л.) ; обрушиваться на (кого-л.) 3) фокусировать внимание на (ком-л. / чём-л.) His eye quickly homed in on the crucial details. — Намётанным взглядом он быстро вычленил важнейшие детали. zero in ( сосредотачиваться, концентрироваться на; нацеливаться на, см. также zero in on / 1) To zero in on a target means to aim at it or move towards it. [V ] He raised the binoculars again and zeroed in on an eleventh-floor room. Syn: home in on 2) If you zero in on a problem or subject, you give it your full attention. [V ] Many of the other major daily newspapers have not really zeroed in on the problem... [V ] Critics have zeroed in on his plan to raise gasoline taxes 10 cents a gallon. Syn: home in on )/.

home in 1) If you home in on one particular aspect of something, you give all your attention to it. [V on ] The critics immediately homed in on the group's essential members. [Also V ] 2) If something such as a missile homes in on something else, it is aimed at that thing and moves towards it. → See also homing [V on ] Two rockets homed in on it from behind without a sound... [V on ] A bank of telephoto lenses homed in on him. [Also V ]

home and dry в целости и сохранности, в безопасности

home and dry (North. Amer - home free, Austr/NZ - home and hosed) Br. - having successfully achieved or being within sight of achieving one's objective

at 3–0 up they should have been home and dry

house and home — дом, домашний уют

Произношение слова house - [haus] или [hauz]: существительное [haus], мн. число -s ['hauzɪz] , глагол house произносится как [hauz] .

house I 1. [haus] / ; -s ['hauzɪz] 1) а) дом, жилище; здание, постройка; а также второй компонент названия различных построек, lighthouse , bakehouse , slaughterhouse , cowhouse , greenhouse , henhouse , hothouse , outhouse , storehouse , warehouse country house — дом в деревне detached house — отдельно стоящий дом dilapidated / ramshackle house — ветхий дом prefabricated house — дом из готовых блоков ranch house — ранчо town house — городской дом; городская квартира; особняк to build / put up a house — строить дом to redecorate / refurbish / remodel / renovate a house — делать косметический ремонт to demolish / raze / tear down a house — разрушать дом to rent a house from smb. — снимать дом у кого-л. to let / rent out a house to smb. — сдавать дом в аренду кому-л. - apartment house - brick house - clapboard house - frame house - one-family house - single house - row house - terraced house - town house - semidetached house - tract house - summer house - safe house - tree house Syn: building , dwelling , housing , roof , shelter , premise б) дом, хозяйство to keep house — вести хозяйство Syn: household в) семья, домочадцы Syn: household г) (House) династия, дом, (древний) род the house of Tudor — династия Тюдоров 2) а) нора, берлога; гнездо Syn: den , burrow , nest б) панцирь; скорлупа; раковина Syn: shell 3) колледж университета; студенты и преподаватели (fellows) колледжа; пансион при школе, интернат; воспитанники интерната, учащиеся, живущие в пансионе Syn: college ; boarding house 4) монастырь; монашеский орден Syn: convent 5) = the House палата парламента; парламентский кворум - enter the House - make a house - keep a house - lower house - upper house - House of Commons - House of Lords - House of Representatives - third house - parliament of two houses 6) (the House) (лондонская) биржа 7) дом, организация, учреждение, предприятие banking house — банковское учреждение, банк boarding house — пансион house of correction — исправительно-трудовое учреждение discount house — магазин, торгующий со скидкой mail-order house — посылочная торговая фирма pharmaceutical house — фармацевтическая фирма publishing house — издательский дом; издательство gambling house — казино 8) (the House) ; = workhouse работный дом 9) театр; кинотеатр; зрители, публика; представление, сеанс empty house — пустой зал full / packed house — аншлаг, полный зал opera house — здание оперного театра to play to a packed house — играть при полном зале - full house - house lights Syn: theater , playhouse 10) гостиница, постоялый двор - on the house Syn: inn , tavern , saloon 11) дом а) одна двенадцатая часть небесной сферы б) знак зодиака, находясь в котором, данная планета имеет наибольшее влияние • house and home — дом, домашний уют like a house on fire — быстро и легко to set / put one's house in order — привести в порядок свои дела to bring the house down — иметь шумный успех у аудитории 2. [hauz] 1) а) предоставлять жилище; обеспечивать жильём б) поселить, приютить в) расквартировывать 2) жить, квартировать Syn: lodge 3) а) прятать, убирать, помещать (в какое-л. вместилище, хранилище) б) вмещать, содержать The gallery houses about 800 works of modern art. — В галерее собрано около 800 работ современного искусства. This library houses rare books. — В этой библиотеке хранятся редкие книги. The office complex can house 25,000 people. — Офисный комплекс может вместить 25000 человек. Syn: contain 4) убирать (хлеб) ; загонять (скот) • - house up II [haus] / ; хаус (танцевальный стиль, выросший из диско-музыки в 80-е) During the '90s, house ceased to be a cutting-edge music. — В 90-е хаус перестал быть самой модной музыкой. Frequently, the house music was purely instrumental and when there were vocalists, they were faceless female divas that often sang wordless melodies. — Часто музыка хаус была чисто инструментальной, а если и с вокалом, то в исполнении безликих див, напевавших мелодии без слов. - acid house house 1. noun [haʊs] 1) a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys ■ the people living in a house; a household make yourself scarce before you wake the whole house ■ a noble, royal, or wealthy family or lineage; a dynasty the power and prestige of the House of Stewart ■ a dwelling that is one of several in a building ■ [with modifier] a building in which animals live or in which things are kept a hen house 2) a building in which people meet for a particular activity a house of prayer ■ a firm or institution a fashion house ■ (the House) the Stock Exchange ■ a restaurant or inn help yourself to a drink, compliments of the house! [as modifier] a carafe of house wine ■ a brothel ■ a theatre a hundred musicians performed in front of a full house ■ a performance in a theatre or cinema tickets for the first house 3) a religious community that occupies a particular building the Cistercian house at Clairvaux ■ a residential building for pupils at a boarding school ■ each of a number of groups into which pupils at a day school are divided for games or competition ■ a college of a university 4) a legislative or deliberative assembly the sixty-member National Council, the country's upper house ■ (the House) (in the UK) the House of Commons or Lords; (in the US) the House of Representatives ■ used in formal debates that mimic the procedures of a legislative assembly a debate on the motion ‘This house would legalize cannabis’ 5) (also house music) [mass noun] a style of electronic dance music typically having sparse, repetitive vocals and a fast beat 6) a twelfth division of the celestial sphere, based on the positions of the ascendant and midheaven at a given time and place, and determined by any of a number of methods ■ a twelfth division of the celestial sphere represented as a sector on an astrological chart, used in allocating elements of character and circumstance to different spheres of human life 7) [mass noun] old-fashioned term for bingo ■ [as exclamation] used by a bingo player to announce that they have won 2. adjective [attrib.] 1) (of an animal or plant) kept in, frequenting, or infesting buildings 2) relating to a firm, institution, or society a house journal ■ (of a band or group) resident or regularly performing in a club or other venue 3. verb [haʊz] [with obj.] 1) provide with shelter or accommodation they converted a disused cinema to house twelve employees 2) provide space for; contain or accommodate the museum houses a collection of Roman sculpture ■ fix (something) in a socket or mortise • - as safe as houses - get on like a house on fire - go round the houses - house and home - a house divided cannot stand - house of cards - keep a House - keep house - on the house - play house - put one's house in order - set up house Derivatives: houseful noun (pl. housefuls) houseless adjective Origin: Old English hūs (noun), hūsian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch huis, German Haus (nouns), and Dutch huizen, German hausen (verbs) house houses, housing, housed (The noun is pronounced [ha͟ʊs ]. The verb is pronounced [ha͟ʊz ]. The form houses is pronounced [ha͟ʊzɪz ].) 1) A house is a building in which people live, usually the people belonging to one family. She has moved to a small house and is living off her meagre savings. ...her parents' house in Warwickshire. 2) usu the N You can refer to all the people who live together in a house as the house. If he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the whole house... So I grew up with that feeling that the man is the head of the house. Syn: household 3) N House is used in the names of types of places where people go to eat and drink. ...a steak house. old Salzburg coffee house. 4) N House is used in the names of types of companies, especially ones which publish books, lend money, or design clothes. Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses... Eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house. 5) N House is sometimes used in the names of office buildings and large private homes or expensive houses. [mainly BRIT] I was to go to the very top floor of Bush House in Aldwych. ...Harewood House near Leeds. 6) You can refer to the two main bodies of Britain's parliament and the United States of America's legislature as the House or a House. Some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday... The Republicans have majorities in both Houses. 7) the/this N You can refer to all the people at a debate as the house. [BRIT, FORMAL] The club is planning a public debate on `This house believes that journalism has not gained from the introduction of new technology'. 8) In a British school, a house is a group of children of different ages who compete against other groups in sports and other activities. Each house usually has a name. He was a prefect and house captain. 9) with A house is a family which has been or will be important for many generations, especially the family of a king or queen. ...the Saudi Royal House. ...the House of Windsor. 10) The house is the part of a theatre, cinema, or other place of entertainment where the audience sits. You can also refer to the audience at a particular performance as the house. They played in front of a packed house. 11) ADJ A restaurant's house wine is the cheapest wine it sells, which is not listed by name on the wine list. Tweed ordered a carafe of the house wine. ...a bottle of house red or white. 12) To house someone means to provide a house or flat for them to live in. [V ] Part III of the Housing Act 1985 imposes duties on local authorities to house homeless people... [V adv/prep] Regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats. 13) no A building or container that houses something is the place where it is located or from where it operates. [V ] The château itself is open to the public and houses a museum of motorcycles and cars... [V ] Many years later, the temple erected in her name was used to house the Roman mint. 14) no If you say that a building houses a number of people, you mean that is the place where they live or where they are staying. [V ] The building will house twelve boys and eight girls... [V ] Their villas housed army officers now. Syn: accommodate 15) → See also boarding house , chapter house , clearing house , council house , doll's house , full house , open house , opera house , public house , wendy house , White House 16) V inflects If a person or their performance or speech brings the house down, the audience claps, laughs, or shouts loudly because the performance or speech is very impressive or amusing. [INFORMAL] It's really an amazing dance. It just always brings the house down. 17) V inflects If two people get on like a house on fire, they quickly become close friends, for example because they have many interests in common. [INFORMAL] Syn: hit it off 18) V inflects, oft PHR for If you keep house, you do the cleaning and cooking for your household, and do not go out to work. He lives with an aunt who keeps house for him. 19) PHR, PHR after If you are given something in a restaurant or bar on the house, you do not have to pay for it. The owner knew about the engagement and brought them glasses of champagne on the house. 20) V inflects If someone gets their house in order, puts their house in order, or sets their house in order, they arrange their affairs and solve their problems. He's got his house in order and made some tremendous decisions... The challenge for American leadership is this: Can we put our economic house in order?... Before you lecture me, Mr Abbey, I suggest you set your house in order.

Да, пример из словаря "Before you lecture me, Mr Abbey" взывает просто уточнить, что не так со словом Mr Abbey: