September 18, 2021

Есть в латыни слово et

Кудряво выписанный амперсанд (&), обозначающий слово "and" в английском языке выписан столь мудрёно лишь по той причине, что рисовался изначально для латинского слова "и" - знак & является графическим вариантом сокращенного изображения слова et. Английское и латинское "и" можно написать короче и кудрявее, русское "и" - самодостаточно короткое. Русским "и" можно задать вопрос "И?", в котором будет либо ирония от предыдущего многословия, либо некий упрёк от нереализованного желания услышать суть. Витиевато изложенная мысль, спрятанная за ширмами этого многословия или псевдонамёков, имеет все шансы наткнуться на вот это самое суперкороткое "и?".

Словарь латыни к версии ABBYY Lingvo x6: et 1) и (mater et soror ) quoad possem et licēret — насколько было для меня возможно и допустимо et... et... — как... так... (et mari et terrā ) et quidem — и притом (duo milia jugerum et quidem immunia ) et non — и не (patior et non moleste fero ) или а не (ii, qui nati sunt, et non ii, qui mortui sunt ) 2) и к тому ещё, и к тому же, и сверх того, и притом (laudat, et saepe, virtutem ; errabas et vehementer errabas ) nec... et... — не только не..., но и... (nec miror et gaudeo ) 3) также и quidquid coepit et desĭnit — что началось, (то) также и кончится 4) после прил. и нареч., выражающих сходство или несходство (par, idem, similis, aeque, alius) чем, нежели (lux longe alia est solis et lychnorum ).

Словари английского языка к версии ABBYY Lingvo x6):

ampersand ['æmpəsænd] знак & (= and) ampersand [ˈampəsand] am¦per|sand noun the sign & (standing for and, as in Smith & Co., or the Latin et, as in &c.) Origin: mid 19th cent.: alteration of and per se and ‘ & by itself is and ’, formerly chanted as an aid to learning the sign (подробнее про Амперсанд написали специально обученные этой теме люди в Вики...Амперсанд )

and [ænd] (полная форма); [ənd ], [ən ], [nd ], [n] (редуцированные формы) / 1) и (сочинительный союз, реализующий различные логические отношения между соединяемыми частями) boys and girls — мальчики и девочки 2) а, но (противительный союз) I shall go and you stay here. — Я пойду, а ты оставайся здесь. There are books and books. — Есть книги и книги. 3) соединяет два тесно связанных по смыслу глагола; второй из этих глаголов может являться дополнением первого или выражать цель действия, обозначенного первым глаголом try and do it — постарайтесь это сделать come and see — приходите посмотреть wait and see — поживем - увидим 4) в сложных словах give-and-take policy — политика взаимных уступок • for miles and miles — очень далеко for hours and hours — часами, очень долго and yet — и всё же and 1. conjunction 1) used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly bread and butter they can read and write a hundred and fifty ■ used to connect two clauses when the second refers to something that happens after the first he turned round and walked out ■ used to connect two clauses, the second of which refers to something that results from the first there was a flash flood and by the next morning the town was under water ■ connecting two identical comparatives, to emphasize a progressive change getting better and better ■ connecting two identical words, implying great duration or great extent I cried and cried ■ used to connect two identical words to indicate that things of the same name or class have different qualities all human conduct is determined or caused — but there are causes and causes ■ used to connect two numbers to indicate that they are being added together six and four makes ten ■ used to connect two numbers, implying succession a line of men marching two and two 2) used to introduce an additional comment or interjection if it came to a choice — and this was the worst thing — she would turn her back on her parents ■ used to introduce a question in connection with what someone else has just said ‘I found the letter in her bag.’ ‘And did you steam it open?’ ■ used to introduce a statement about a new topic and now to the dessert 3) used after some verbs and before another verb to indicate intention, instead of ‘to’ I would try and do what he said 2. noun (AND) a Boolean operator which gives the value one if and only if all the operands are one, and otherwise has a value of zero ■ (also AND gate) a circuit which produces an output signal only when signals are received simultaneously through all input connections - and/or Origin: Old English and, ond, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch en and German und •• Usage: 1 It is still widely taught and believed that conjunctions such as and (and also but and because) should not be used to start a sentence, the argument being that a sentence starting with and expresses an incomplete thought and is therefore incorrect. Writers down the centuries have readily ignored this advice, however, using and to start a sentence, typically for rhetorical effect, as in the following example: What are the government's chances of winning in court? And what are the consequences? 2 A small number of verbs, notably try, come, and go can be followed by and with another verb, as in sentences like we're going to try and explain it to them or why don't you come and see the film? The structures in these verbs correspond to the use of the infinitive to, as in we're going to try to explain it to them or why don't you come to see the film? Since these structures are grammatically odd — for example, the use is normally only idiomatic with the infinitive of the verb and not with other forms (i.e. it is not possible to say I tried and explained it to them) — they are regarded as wrong by some traditionalists. However, these uses are extremely common and can certainly be regarded as part of standard English. 3 For information about whether it is more correct to say both the boys and the girls or both the boys and girls , see usage at both 4 Where items in a list are separated by and, the following verb needs to be in the plural: see usage at or 1

and all - и всё остальное; и так далее, и тому подобное