Coaching and meditation
Well, friends, I want to share my vision of human development practices that I have been doing for many years.
I will start with coaching or in simple words - the practice of sanity, clarity of mind, positive thinking.
In coaching, the impact occurs in an interpersonal format, and accordingly, we can say that coaching is about personal development and, in more detail, about the removal of restrictions in communication and self-expression in society.
The practice of coaching increases awareness, helps to go into the depth of a person, increase his resources, because, of course, we have everything we need inside us. But unlike yoga or meditation, coaching does not focus on spiritual development.
As in other things and in any systems based on a scientific approach.
Although it is completely wrong to say that coaching is only about business and achieving goals.
It's just that the coaching format is most in demand in business. But business is only a stage on the path of personal development.
Therefore, let's take a deeper look at the coaching process itself.
If we give an analogue in Russian culture, then to some extent the psychotherapeutic process, including coaching, is akin to confession, when a person says aloud to another person what is bothering him, and through an active thought process, honesty with himself and verbalization translates processes that are poorly realized in the mind into conscious ones.
Thus, he is freed from internal tension, internal conflict, confusion in the elections that prevent him from living and moving towards his desires and goals.
The person who uses coaching differs from the one who came to psychotherapy, perhaps, by a greater willingness or motivation to change a negative attitude to his experiences and views on the positive.
And therefore with greater ease of the process itself, since the focus of attention in it is on the goals in the future, and not the causes in the painful past.
I will add that here I mean coaching as a phenomenon and a way of thinking, and not as a modern technology for achieving material goals.
Speaking in the language of Eastern philosophy, in coaching we work with layers called manomaya kosha and vijnanamaya kosha and represent subtle bodies of the mind.
MANOMAYA KOSHA is a layer of the mind - the intellect (manas), which receives impressions from the senses and interprets them relative to the individual way of perception.
VIDNANAMAYA KOSHA is the body of the higher mind – the "body of wisdom" (buddhi), inner knowledge, which exists regardless of the individual way of perception.
So, speaking in the language of coaching - our BELIEFS lie in the layer of intelligence, manas - here we describe our reality according to what we have been taught and what we believe in - language, culture, education, life experience.
I will take the liberty to link the concept of "beliefs" in Western psychology and "samskaras" in Eastern philosophy.
SAMSKARAS are unconscious impressions that create a certain way of perceiving a person, which in turn creates a certain individual way of thinking.
Speaking in the language of the Vedas - karma.
In general, our beliefs shape our destiny or karma.
Everyone wants to live easily and happily, do what they love and be needed, that is, have easy karma.
Because some of his beliefs, his samskaras do not allow this to be done.
A person himself cannot get to them and even more so refuse them, often believing that the cause of his problems is outside and they must be solved by changing external circumstances, other people, other nationalities, other cultures.
And from the point of view of coaching, in order to change beliefs, abandoning unnecessary ones, he must come into contact with his VALUES.
And our values are in the layer of the higher mind - wisdom (buddhi, vijnanamaya kosha).
And here we no longer believe in something and are not convinced of something - here we know!- because the nature of this layer is "co-knowledge", which creates both thoughts and emotions and matter, and they are transformed into culture, upbringing, education and beliefs associated with them.
That is, consciousness creates parts from the whole, which we must re-unite in our being in the form of a holistic perception.
And the main quality of this layer of consciousness is LOVE. The quality that connects, accepts, gives.
And if we get to this layer with our attention, then we get to know this nature of love and know ourselves as part of this nature and then we connect with our values by ourselves.
Here we are free from ideas and the beliefs that protect them .
And at this level we receive answers and resources in the form of inspiration and enthusiasm for solving our problems, tasks, goals and fulfillment of desires.
But we realize values not with the help of our usual logical mind, but with the help of FEELINGS.
The understanding of value comes when we feel LIGHTNESS AND JOY, and already on the basis of these bright feelings we determine whether this or that is valuable to us...
(Now I am writing this text, looking at the mountains, and I realize the great pleasure that I am doing what I like, that I feel lightness and joy - I am writing this text, drawing inspiration from my heart 😀
No matter from which end we start to unravel the knot of the problem or the search for resources to achieve the goal, we will always come to an awareness of the values within us, namely, whether there is JOY AND EASE for us there.
Or we will not come if certain beliefs overlap these values, that is, when we look at these beliefs and even more so abandon them, we are not ready yet.
And then we have to mature, grow up to be ready to come into contact with values or feelings.
And here the question arises - is it possible to accelerate the processes of growing up.
After all, every person wants to get rid of something as soon as possible or come to something as soon as possible.
Well, in our time of accelerating social processes, we probably have no choice but to actively look for ways of development, the result of which is always GROWING UP.
Let me remind you that growing up and MATURITY in this interpretation means a willingness to go beyond the current perception of life and the expansion of consciousness, that is, leaving the "manas" in the vijnanamaya kosha - heart or sensitivity or, generally speaking, scientifically speaking, to be able to perceive reality when the brain is working at Theta rhythms (4-8 Hz).
Although coaching does not describe development in such a paradigm, it somehow contributes to the expansion of consciousness.
And then we come to a practice that accelerates the evolution of consciousness - MEDITATION - and just describes the processes of human consciousness development in a language based on knowledge from Sanskrit.
Let's take an example of what was described above -
And how it should really work.
In order to explain what meditation is, let's use another term from Eastern philosophy, by the way, from Sanskrit, - ANANDAMAYA KOSHA.
This is the fifth layer of human consciousness - the "body of bliss" or SPIRIT.
That is, when we say spiritual development or spiritual practices, we mean everything that helps us to come to this layer - to the Spirit or to the Atman (Atman Skt. आत्मम्, atman, "self", "spirit", "higher self")
MEDITATION is a practice that should bring our attention to the Atman-Spirit layer.
To be more precise, meditation is a state when we become aware of ourselves in this layer - "I am". This is A STATE OF PRESENCE.
But as in fairy tales, only a hero with a pure heart can get to a magical land, that is, it is possible to reach the 5th layer - Anandamaya koshi only when the 4th layer is filled - Vijnanamaya kosha or, in other words, "opening the heart".
Thus, no matter what meditation practice we do, if we understand what and how we do, we will become open, intuitive, positive, kind, flexible, energetic and, most importantly, ALIVE.
That is, we activate our truly human consciousness - the 4th layer - Vijnanamaya koshu.
In meditation, we, as it were, imbue with our attention and activate all layers - the koshi - the physical body, the emotional (energy) body, manas (intellect) and the heart (feelings, buddhi).
Thus, all these layers come to life and begin to be cleansed - the body becomes more flexible, emotions are easily manifested, the mind becomes clear and lively, and feelings are bright - the heart rejoices.
In practice, a person goes through a thorny path of growth when he is engaged in the development of his physical body, and lets go of resentments, and overestimates his views, intuitively goes through the resistance of the mind (samskar) to what his conscience (heart) tells him.
And MEDITATION helps to go through all the trials, giving inner support to yourself.
And we, like Baron Munchausen, are slowly pulling ourselves by the hair out of the swamp of unconsciousness and hibernation in our illusions onto the solid ground of clarity, joy and creativity.
From my many years of experience with meditation and self-observation, I can say that meditation by itself does not develop and does not raise us to the height of higher knowledge or love.
This is achieved only through society, that is, through actions that help other people feel easier and happier. That is, by helping others, we help ourselves to rise higher.
That is, if we want to feel happy, be free and creative, while making someone unhappy, then no meditation and coaching will help - we will be in illusions and tension.
So, in order to fly, we need two wings - good clear thinking and pure bright feelings, which develops in coaching and meditation.
In both cases, we use ATTENTION for development, so we can call it all in a common word - the PRACTICE of MINDFULNESS,
the result of which is a state, a positive background, in order to be the CREATOR of YOUR LIFE.
Make an appointment with me for a consultation - https://guy2be
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