May 14, 2021

Lesson 50. Types of questions. Revision

Reading and discussing


1. Я тoлькo чтo пoлучил приглaшение нa их свaдьбу (wеddіng). 2. Причинa несчaстнoгo случaя выясняется (іnvеstіgatе). 3. Этo не решение прoблемы. 4. Я не мoгу придумaть oтвет нa егo письмo. 5. Нa эти тoвaры небoльшoй спрoс (demand). 6. Существует мнoгo недoстaткoв и преимуществ, если у тебя есть мaшинa. 7. Недoстaткoм егo пребывaния в СШA былo тo, чтo oн не знaл aнглийскoгo языкa. 8. Несмoтря нa нaши рaзнoглaсия (dіffіcultіеs), егo oтнoшение кo мне не изменилoсь. 9. Я не вижу связи между этими двумя сoбытиями (еvеnt).


General questions

Make up some general questions and answer them:

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………
— Yes,…………….. (It is usually cold in winter.)
2. -………………………………………………………………………………’…’……
— Yes,…………….. (It was very cold there.)
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………..,
— Yes,…………….. (He has got a question.)
4. -………………………………………………………………………………..:…..,
— Yes,…………….. (He had a problem.)
5. -………………………………………………………………………………………
— Yes,…………….. (There is a cloud in the sky.)

Alternative questions

Make up some alternative questions from the following sentences:

  1. They play tennis every Sunday.
  2. She swam in the river in summer.
  3. The boys will ride bicycles this evening.
  4. The children are making noise.
  5. He has spent his time very well.

Special questions

First, make up a general question and then turn it into a special one.

1. The campers sleep in the tree houses.
a. Do ________________ ?
b. Where ________________ ?

2. They are vegetarians.
a. ________________ ?
b. ___________________ ?

3. He is making a fire at the moment.
a. ________________?b. _________________?

4. It is getting cold at night.
a. ________________ ?
b. _________________ ?

Subject questions

Ask a question to learn who or what made an action.

1. Somebody brought these foods to the kitchen.
2. Somebody was cleaning the floor.
3. Somebody cooked porridge for us in the morning.
4. Somebody found the money yesterday.
5. Something has helped him.

Tag questions


Важно помнить, как задать разделительный вопрос правильно в случаях ниже:

  1. I am…, aren’t I?
  2. You have to do….., don’t you?
  3. Let’s …., shall we?
  4. These are/ Those are …. , aren’t they?
  5. This is/That is….. , isn’t it?
  6. Somebody, anybody, everybody, ….are they?
  7. Don’t…., will you?
  8. Please help me, can you?
  9. They shouldn’t be late, should they?
  10. Слова «hardly ever», «scarcely», «little» — соответствуют «-«


Task 1.

a) Put in the missing words.

  1. What types of books ______ you like to read?
  2. _____ she reading love story or an adventure story?
  3. ______ you seen «Titanic»?
  4. Who _____ watching TV at eight o'clock last night?
  5. It's an exciting book, ________ it?
  6. _____ you going to watch a romantic film or a musical?
  7. You have seen this film, _______ you.
  8. _____ you go to the cinema last night?

b)Now group this question by their types.

Yes / No Questions: ______________.

Alternative Questions: ______________.

Special Questions: ______________.

Tag Questions: ______________.