Lesson 8. Gerund or Infinitive? Part I.
1. Экипaж был гoтoв выпoлнить (fulfіl) прикaз кaпитaнa. 2. Критерии чaстo меняются. 3. Вaши тoвaры сделaны oчень плoхo. 4. Нику неoбхoдимo сшить (sеw) нoвые брюки. У меня есть хoрoшaя синяя мaтерия. 5. Oн купил бухaнку хлебa, пaкет мoлoкa, кусoк мылa и тюбик зубнoй пaсты. 6. Здесь нет светoфoрa, и перекрестoк oчень oпaснoе местo. 7. Виды этих рaстений (plant) неизвестны. 8. Егo знaния пo мaтемaтике лучше мoих. 9. Ты взял бинoкль? - Нет, oн нaм не пoнaдoбится. Нaши местa вo втoрoм ряду (row). 10. Улики (evidence) были вaжными, и oн чувствoвaл, чтo суд присяжных (jury) был прoтив негo.
Full infinitive
Bare infinitive
Full infinitive is used when:
- Для обозначения цели действия.
- I went to the supermarket to buy some food.
I called you to invite for dinner. - После определенных глаголов: afford, agree, arrange, attempt, beg, choose, decide, demand, deserve, expect, hope, manage, need, plan, stop, want.
- I want to go to the cinema tonight.
She hopes to get a job. - В случае связи субъект+действие+объект (кто-то взаимодействует с кем-то) (advise, allow, ask, help, invite, want, tell, warn, recommend, teach, expect):
- I want you to help me. : verb – want, object – you, infinitive – to help. Max invited his friend to stay in his house.
- С различными прилагательными: easy, nice, good, sorry, happy, glad, difficult, funny, impossible etc.
- I was glad to see you.It’s nice to be here.
- После конструкций: would like, would love.
- I would like to drink some tea.
Bare infinitive is used when:
- После модальных глаголов: can, may, must, should, shall.
You should come home earlier. - Pete can swim.
- make/let + object + bare infinitive construction (конструкция взаимодействия).
- Steve let his daughter eat one more sweet.
- После конструкций: had better, would rather, would sooner, why not.
- Sam would rather stay at home than go to the pub.
Task 1. Fill in the gaps with infinitives
Task 2.
Watching and discussing
- What is the age that children begin school?
- Do you have memories of your own school? What do you remember about your teachers?
- What was your trip to school like?
- Can you imagine yourself travelling to school alone by train at the age of 7?
- Do you let your own kid go to school alone? Why?
- Do children need to learn to be independent? If yes, how?
- Is the modern world really so dangerous for kids?
Task 1. a) Open the brackets using full infinitive to bare infinitive form. b)Translate the sentences below.
1 He made me (do) it all over again until everything was done.
2 She can (sing) quite well even though she has some trouble with her health.
3 He will be able (swim) very soon if he follows the doctor`s advice.
4 I used (live) in a caravan because my parents had little money.
5 You ought (go) today. It may (rain) tomorrow.
6 You needn’t (say) anything. Just nod your head and he will (understand).
7 I want (see) the house where our president was born.
8 He made her (repeat) the message as he couldn`t hear her words well.
9 May I (use) your phone? If I don`t call my wife right now something really bad will happen!
10 You needn’t (ask) for permission; you can (use) my car whenever you like.
11 If you want (get) there before dark you should (start) at once.
12 I couldn’t (remember) his address and that is why I decided to wait for him in the nearby cafe.