Introduction. Meet & Greet
Hi! Today we`ll talk about summer holidays and summer activities. Hope you like the lesson :)
- Do you like summer holidays? Why?
- What kinds of summer activities do you know?
- What kinds of summer activities are your favourite and why?
- Do you prefer to stay at home or to go away for your vacation?
- Have you ever been abroad for holidays? If yes, what foreign cities/countries have you visited?
- Do you miss school while on summer vacation?
- What are your plans for this summer?
And now let`s put all your summer plans and wishes down the bucket list!
- Bucket list is a list of the things that a person would like to do or achieve.
Reading comprehension
Videogames. Pros & Cons
Parents and children can have different ideas when it comes to video games.
Children like video games because they are fun and because they can be challenging. You have to solve problems, work out the best moves for your character, and decide how to use your equipment and supplies in the best possible way. Making all these decisions can be exciting.
Parents want to make sure that their children are safe and healthy. Because of this, they notice different things about video games.
Many worry that playing video games might have a bad effect on the way their child behaves. For example, if a video game has lots of fighting in it, they worry that playing it will encourage their child to be violent.
Sometimes adults think that spending too much time with animated characters is unhealthy for kids. They know it’s important for kids to spend time with “real” people and learn good social skills needed for the real world.
What do experts say?
Experts think playing video games can have good and bad effects on kids. New research shows that there are lots of benefits.
One good thing is the video games that children play today often encourage them to work in teams, cooperate, and to help each other. This is because games today are often designed for multiple players, not like old-fashioned that were mostly designed for one player.
However, children who are obsessed with video games and play them for a long time can get really competitive and can often try to win at all costs. Experts aren’t sure yet, but they have real concerns that this might lead to kids acting like this in real life too.
One thing you also might like to know is that kids who regularly play video games often get higher in maths, science, and reading tests. This is because games require players to solve puzzles. You won’t get higher marks playing any video games, just those that require the player to solve these kinds of puzzles.
Doing more of the good and less of the bad
It’s important for kids to think about what types of games they pick.
Make sure all of your games aren’t fighting games. Instead, choose more games where you need to solve puzzles. These are fun and can also help with your schoolwork. Your parents will be much happier about that!
And now, let`s talk :)
1. Do you learn anything from playing video games?
2. Do you prefer playing video games alone, against friends or online against the world?
3.Do you think video games make people violent?
4.Which company makes the best games?
5.Would you like to be a game designer? What kinds of games would you design?
6.Do you prefer watching movies or playing video games?
Task 1. Find all the words from the box and put them into your vocabulary book. Try to remember them as well.
The new vocabulary we need to learn:
Beach - пляж
Beach chair - шезлонг
Camping - кемпинг
Dolphins - дельфины
Ferry - паром
Flipflops - Пляжная обувь (сланцы/шлепки)
Fun - веселье
Good weather - хорошая погода
Holiday - каникулы/праздник
Ice cream - мороженое
Island - остров
Playing - игра (играющий)
Relax - расслабляться
Sand - песок
Sun - солнце
Sunbathing - принимать солнечные ванны/ загорать
Surfboard -доска для сёрфинга
Surfing - сёрфинг
Swimming - купание
Umbrella - зонт
Vacation- каникулы/отпуск
Task 2. Using the words above make up a short story (5-7 sentences) about your summer vacation. Do not forget about grammar rules :)
You may use commentaries below to post your story. You may also send your story to my WhatsApp either as a photo or a message. Good luck!