Word-building II
Task 1. Translate in English:
1. Я предпочитаю писать СМС, чем звонить по телефону. (a text, a phone)
2. Порежь хлеб, а я позабочусь о напитках. (a knife, to drink)
3. Кто руководит компанией? (a chair)
4. Эта музыка успокаивает меня. (comfort)
5. Давай покрасим стены в розовый цвет! (pink)
Task 2. Define the function of each underscored word below:
1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experiment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at present. 10. He presented me with a book.
Re-reconstruction; co- cooperation; dis- disadvantage; in- independence; mis- misunderstanding; im- impossibility; un- unemployment; il- illegal
-ability, -ibility- probability; -age- breakage; -al- arrival; -ance, -ence - difference; -dom- kingdom; -er,-or- inventor; hood-childhood; -ian- historian; -ion -action; -sion, -ssion- collection; -ism- tourism; -ment- agreement; -ness- kindness; -our- colour; -ship- friendship; -th- depth; -ti (-ity)-safety; -ure (-ture) –mixture; -ist-artist; -ess - fortress; -ant-assistant; -ing- building.
Un- unhappy; in- independent; dis- disappointing; im -important; non- non-ferrous; ir- irregular; post-post-war; il- illegal; inter-interdependent.
-able (-ible) - от глаголов - to read- readable ; - ive - от глаголов – to act –active; - ful - от существительных –hope- hopeful; beauty- beautiful ; - less - от существительных – hope- hopeless, help- helpless; - al - от существительных – norm- normal ; - ic - от существительных – atom- atomic; - ent, -ant – evident, current, important ; - y - от существительных – dirt- dirty .
Co-cooperate; de-decode; dis-disbelieve; in- input; im- immigrate; inter- interact;
ir- irritate; over-overcome; re- rebuilt; mis- misunderstand
-en- deepen; -fy-classify; -ize-organize; -ate-activate
Decompose the following derivatives:
British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.
Test yourself
Series Pause
Translate the following sentences:
1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen must obey the rules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friendship with India in their work for peace. 6. All peace-loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.