November 1

Lesson 16. Modality, Probability, Habits.



1. THE OVERWHELMING RESURGENCE OF THE PARTYSTATE as the driving force in Chinese society, along with the premature curtailment (сокращение) of a kind of Chinese enlightenment, does not bode (не предвещает) well for the country’s future. The relatively brief portions of Wang’s book that look to the coming decades make clear that China will face strong headwinds. This does not amount to a prediction of collapse or decline. But Wang believes that high growth rates are a thing of the past. One of the most import ant headwinds falls directly under Wang’s field of expertise: demographics. There will be no reversing the monumental trend toward population decline. According to the median projection of the United Nations Population Division, by 2100, China’s population, which is roughly 1.4 billion today, will have shrunk to less than 800 million.

2. The year is 2077. Resources are scarce (=little), and global inequality is at an all-time high. Long-simmering (разгорающийся) tensions between the United States and China erupt into active warfare when Chinese paratroopers land in Alaska to seize its oil reserves and the United States, in return, launches a counteroffensive into the Chinese mainland. Under the looming (нависающей, надвигающейся) threat of nuclear escalation, a few lucky citizens enter underground shelters, bracing for the fallout. There’s a flash on the horizon, as what was once just a war spirals into the Great War—a nuclear apocalypse. This is the premise of Fallout, one of the most popular video game series of the past 30 years. Set in a post-apocalyptic United States, the Fallout universe is equal parts absurd, philosophical, and alarmingly realistic.

3. Prime Video’s Fallout adaptation is mostly set two centuries after the Great War, in the year 2296. We follow Lucy (starring Ella Purnell), a kindhearted, resilient (выносливая) young woman who has spent her entire life living in a vault (убежище), one of many massive subterranean fallout shelters built under a government contract by the powerful company Vault-Tec that enabled human civilization to survive the Great War. Lucy lives in the seemingly idyllic Vault 33 with a small, meritocratic community of residents clad (=dressed) in matching blue jumpsuits. But when her father is kidnapped by mysterious intruders from the surface, she chooses to leave the vault and search for him among the ruins of what was once California. What she finds, however, is a Wasteland dotted with struggling communities where pure water is a precious commodity and human life is cheap.


1. Тебе следoвaлo пoзвoнить ему вчерa. 2. Ему не следoвaлo гoвoрить с ней тaким тoнoм (tonе). Егo тoн, дoлжнo быть, и oбидел (hurt) ее. 3. Этo дoлжнo былo прoизoйти. Всем известнa егo зaбывчивoсть (forgеtfulnеss). 4. Oнa дoлжнa былa выяснить все дo тoгo, кaк нaчинaть рaбoту. Теперь ей нужнo мнoгoе переделывaть. 5. Ей следoвaлo принести все дoкументы дaвным-дaвнo. Теперь слишкoм пoзднo. 6. Детям нельзя смoтреть фильмы ужaсoв, 7. Мне их прoвoдить (sее off)? - Нет, не нужнo. Мне придется сделaть этo сaмoму. 8. В чужoй стрaне неoбхoдимo приспoсaбливaться (adapt onеsеlf) к нoвым услoвиям жизни, 9. Зря ты купил этo пaльтo.


Getting Used To..

Let`s talk about habits!


Practice the Differentiation

And, let`s translate

  1. Бывало, люди готовили свой собственный сыр и масло.
  2. Когда-то моя сестра носила джинсы.
  3. Я привыкла к грубым соседям.
  4. Бывало, Джилл ела сырую рыбу.
  5. Том привык ездить в школу на велосипеде.
  6. Я привыкаю жить в большом городе.
  7. Им придется привыкнуть к холодной погоде, когда они переедут в Сибирь.

Reading and Discussing

  1. Have opposing political views divided your household?
  2. Tell me more details about the Enabling Law of 2001.
  3. Why were the reforms controversial? Can you draw examples?
  4. When reading the part descrobong the street fight, could you feel that bloody and sweaty wild atmosphere of a riot?
  5. Do you know any other rallies in history to be as big as the March?
  6. Why are people sometimes ready to sacrifice their lives for the prosperous future? Could you sacrifice your life for the better of the country?


Task 1.

Task 2.