November 3, 2020

Lesson 27. Word formation. Suffixation.

The most common noun suffixes:

verb + Ʌ = noun

  1. -er/or ( the do-er suffix)
    dance — dancer (танцевать — танцор)
    work — worker
    collect — collector (коллекционировать — коллекционер)
    invent — inventor
  2. -tion (the suffix of process)
    collect — collection
    invent — invention
  3. -ing (gerund)
    suffer — suffering (страдать — страдание)
    warn — warning
    mean — meaning

adj + Ʌ = noun

  1. -ness (the suffix of quality or state)
    ill — illness
    kind — kindness
  2. -ance/ -ence (the suffix of state) (соответствующие прилагательные имеют суффиксы: -ant/ -ent)
    important — importance
    different — difference

Training exercises

Guess the suffix and form the nouns:

  1. weak —
  2. polite —
  3. fresh —
  4. ugly —
  5. cold —
  6. dark —
  7. careful —

Guess the person:

Example: Someone who bakes bread is a baker.

  1. Someone who interviews people is a….
  2. Someone who plays football is a…
  3. Someone who eats well is a…
  4. Someone who sleeps well is a…
  5. Someone who rules the country is a…
  6. Someone who explores new lands is a…
  7. Someone who makes or repairs shoes is a…
  8. Someone who always causes trouble is a…
  9. Someone who makes films is a…
  10. Someone who has traveled to another place for a holiday is a…

Look at the adjectives below and form nouns. Guess the translation:

  1. important — importance
  2. different —
  3. indifferent —
  4. independent —
  5. dependent —
  6. patient —
  7. persistent —
  8. insistent —
  9. indulgent —

Watching and discussing
