October 29, 2020

Lesson 26. Word formation. Suffixation. Part II.

Sufffix -ish

The canonical use of -ish is as a suffix meaning “approximately,” as in bluish, tallish, sixish, or even hungry-ish.

This is the definition—the only definition—that you’ll find in Merriam-Webster, which notes that -ish derives from the Old English -isc, of Germanic origin, which in turn is related to similar such suffixes in Dutch (-isch) and Greek (-iskos)

Suffix -ive

Suffix -ive is also a Latin suffix that means "that performs or tends toward an (indicated) action".

Adjectve suffixes -ing and -ed: What`s the difference?

Watching and discussing

Teaming in modern world



Task 1.

Task 2. Refresh the usage of suffix -ous.

Extra task

How many words can you make using the letters in the word IMAGINATIVE?