December 20

Revision. Christmas is coming soon!


Vocabulary Load

Today we`ll cover pages 10-16 from your book Public Relations

Reading and Discussing

1. Latin America’s economies modernized relatively late: geographical location, legacies of imperialism, dependency on a single commodity, the inability to secure start-up capital, and cultural impediments. Why did most Latin American economies initially focus on one or two exportable primary products, and what problems came from this? How and to what extent have countries in the regions overcome this practice

2. Which of the development strategies (free-market capitalism, state-led capitalism, command economies, and populism/kleptocracies) best applies to the different historical periods in the case of Venezuela?

3. Which of these strategies best describes the current political ecnomomy of Cuba, Venezuela, and Chile?

4. What is the “Washington Consensus”?

5. Who were the Chicago Boys, and how did their approach to under-development in Latin America differ from other approaches?

6. How has the economy performed since Maduro took over? What evidence is there to suggest inflation, unemployment, growth, and even poverty have all become worse under his leadership? Why isn’t the economy doing better, given Venezuela’s rich oil reserves?

7. How has Maduro managed to stay in power despite the astoundingly terrible economy, and how has his economic and political leadership been different from Chavez’s pretty-typical form of populism?


Last thing for today - we`ll explore and analyse various types of articles.



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