July 23, 2021

Lesson 29. General Syntax. Revision.


Categorize the following adjectives:

swinging, strong, white, young, glass, Spanish, wooden, ancient, walking, small, racing, mature, yellowish, infantile, Australian, blue, fabric, straight, cooking, plastic, equatorial, leather, old-fashioned, metal, tiny, steel, circular, square, huge, oval, pink, little, orange, northern, polar, American, work

Put the adjectives in the correct order:

  1. (red / long / cheap) dress
  2. (wooden / new / huge) table
  3. (beautiful / brick / new) house
  4. (Japanese / green / fantastic) car
  5. (Russian / silver / round) coin


Task 1. Put the words in correct order.

Task 2. Translate the sentences in English. Mind the word order.

  1. Телевизор я смотрю редко.
  2. На улице темно, и я скоро пойду спать.
  3. Они что-то очень шумно обсуждают в спальне.
  4. Он медленно шел вдоль реки.
  5. На уроках мы часто поем песни.
  6. Я тихо закрыла дверь и сразу же пошла в ванну.
  7. Мой дядя очень любит рыбалку.
  8. Анна умеет хорошо играть в теннис.
  9. Она все время кричит на детей.
  10. Твои книги я положу на стол.
  11. Я недостаточно хорошо его знаю.
  12. По телевизору много хороших фильмов сегодня.
  13. В парке есть красивый фонтан.
  14. В прошлый вторник было очень ветрено.
  15. Эти туфли я купила в Италии.

Task 3.

Watching and discussing

  1. What`s your sign?
  2. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  3. Do you ever read your horoscope?
  4. What would you like the stars to hold for you?
  5. Do you think astrology can be useful?
  6. Do you think anyone can prove that astrology works?
  7. Would you like to learn astrology?
  8. What`s the difference between the Chinese and Western zodiac?
  9. What signs of Western zodiac do you know?
  10. Why did people create horoscopes?




Task 1. Put the words in the correct order.

Usually / at 10 o’clock / out of the garage / in the morning / drives / his bike / Fred.

A shower / after dinner / often / Mrs Lewis / takes.

A parking place / near the library / we / find / seldom.

To / I / on / a / night-club / sometimes / Saturdays / go.

Fly / my parents / to Australia / sometimes / I / in winter / and.

Enjoys / very much / swimming / in the pool / always / Mary.

Hardly / last year / could / skate / I.

Is / near / house / there / new / a / our / cinema.

Got / my / problems / I / with / have / home-task / some.

Well / think / your / very / I / don’t / sister / drives.

To / parents / once / the theatre / month / my / a / go.

His/ car / two / ago / Jim / sold / years.

Necklace / can’t / anywhere / Cindy / her / find.

Been/ to / India / Mike / has / year / already / this.

Lunch / never / weekdays / she / has / on