January 25, 2022

Lesson 17. Modals of Deduction. Part II


Imagine, you are a translator...

  1. Linda might come to the party tonight.
  2. Farmers have to work all the year round.
  3. You must not make noise in hospital.
  4. May I switch on the light?
  5. Could I look at your passport?
  6. My wife can cook quite well.
  7. We were able to catch the last train.
  8. You should not wear jeans to school.
  9. Robert ought to help his grandma tonight.
  10. We shall find a better job.
  11. You shouldn’t eat too much salt and sugar.
  12. Do I have to get a visa to Turkey?
  13. He needs to improve his manners.
  14. You needn’t complain.
  15. I used to play tennis when I was a child. Now I don`t play tennis at all.
  16. Would you like one more cup of coffee?
  17. I am to finish my work by Sunday.
  18. He is to clean the house.
  19. Can you dance well?
  20. - Where is Susan? -She might be in the garden, I don`t know.
  21. You are not allowed to smoke there.





Task 1.

  1. Sarah never stops talking about Steve. She ... be in love with him!
  2. You ... hate English food - it's delicious!
  3. Tom ... be working today - I just saw him at the gym.
  4. Tom ... be working today, but I can't remember.
  5. You drank 3 bottles of wine? You ... feel so sick!
  6. Yuki's quite good at grammar. She ... know the answer to this question.
  7. You studied this for 3 years at university! You ... know the answer!
  8. You just slept for 12 hours! You ... be tired again already!
  9. She always gets me a present, but this year she didn't. She ... have forgotten that it's my birthday.

Task 2.

Choose the best words to complete these sentences. Decide if it is a present state (simple), an action in progress (continuous) or finished (perfect).

  1. The boys look so sad. They must ...lose /be losing /have lost the football match yesterday.
  2. The music next door is so loud! They must ...have/ be having/ have had a party.
  3. She just said she didn't want any wine. She must ...be/ be being /have been pregnant.
  4. His bedroom light is still on. He might ...read/be reading /have read a book.
  5. Andrew's good friends with Gemma. He might ...know/ be knowing /have known her phone number.
  6. Why did you tell him the truth? You must ...know/ be knowing /have known that he didn't want to hear it.
  7. Dave's got a new car. He must ...have /be having /have had a pay rise at work.
  8. That girl looks bored. She might ...wait/ be waiting /have waited for someone.