March 30, 2022

Discord selling guide.

To earn some 300-500$ having only Twitter and Discord you need:

  1. Discord accounts.
  2. Any Twitter account.
  3. Anti-detect browser.
  4. Proxies.
  5. Source of information/Researching skills.
  6. PC/Notebook.
  7. Place where to sell them.


You need different accounts because once you catch the link, you need to sell that account with access to the project.

So next link you will be catching from a new account.

The average price for an account with access is 5-15$.

Where to get accs?

First accounts you can register by yourself, up to 5 accs from 1 IP address will be ok and accounts will not get banned.


Simply text on a google “buy discord account”.

Important note, you need accounts with the next config: login/password + mail. Because some accounts are sold with “token” access, which is not suitable for you.

Accounts should have a one-two weeks registration period because newly registered accounts get banned by the anti-fraud system.

The next step is warming up an account, to avoid bans.

To “warm-up” an account you need to create your own discord server (5 seconds) and join an already working discord server with some NFT project. By doing that system recognizes use as a normal user and your account probably will not get banned. After let it chill for some 3-5 days.

After that account is ready for use and you can start catching links from it.

Twitter account.

You need any Twitter account because all the links are dropped on Twitter. You simply follow the project you need, turn on notifications, and wait for the link.

Usually, projects inform users 5-10 minutes before the link dropped.

So you should pay attention to their Twitter feed and search for the moment to catch the link.

Twitter is showing messages with a delay, so you need to use TweetDeck. This is an app that sends messages from Twitter without a delay, the app is mandatory because you have only a few seconds to cath the link until it expired.

Anti-detect browser.

This is a browser that hides your IP and other footprints from your computer. This is needed to be able to use many discord accounts. Without an anti-detect browser, you simply will be not able to use many accounts. It will get banned.

Also using the anti-detect browser let you open as many tabs as you need. Sometimes I could catch 10 links at one time because the link was within the time limit. So I just copypasted it 10 times and got 10 accesses for the same project. It took me 30 sec, later I sold those accounts 10$ each = 100$.

It is not hard to use it, I will make a separate guide about it.

For the first time, you don't need it. Firstly you need to catch a few links from the main account and sell them, so you can understand the process.

So don’t bother yourself for the first time, not to make it complicated.


Proxy changes your IP address, again it’s needed to hide your footprints from using many accounts from one PC.

You simply buy a proxy, insert it into your anti-detect browser profile, and use your accounts safely.

Don't get scared, there is nothing difficult about it. All will be shown in the guide.

For a while, you don't need it, you will use it after some practice and understanding how everything works.

Source of infromation/Researching skills.

You need to know how to find those projects. Everything happens on Twitter, so you should be good at Twitter (nft/crypto space).

Projects have to be in the early stages because only those can be sold (due to the value and demand).

For the first time, it is hard to recognize the project you need, so I recommend you to follow my Twitter where you can check my “followings”. I will keep actual projects up to date, so you can find everything in one place.

Also, I will post it on Telegram. I will try to drop notifications before some links dropped so you can get prepared.

Later when you get comfortable with the Twitter space, you will be able to make research by yourself.

I will make a separate guide on “Twitter research” as well.


You simply need a computer because you have to be quick. You should always have a few tabs opened so you can catch the code for the link quickly.

It is hard to do with the phone, I would say impossible. Actually, the phone is needed to see notifications, so you need to keep it close to your PC.

Also, it is not possible to use an anti-detect browser from your phone.

How to catch the link?

Create a Discord/Twitter account. Connect your Twitter account to TweetDeck.

Subscribe to my Twitter and find NFT projects in my followings.

Turn on notifications on each project you follow, then monitor what they are posting.

Usually, they are not dropping a direct links, it is hidden on some photo or puzzle.

When you see the notification for the link, open TweetDeck and monitor it, put phone close to yourself and check notifications.

Also, you should have an open tab with discord ready to put the code (for the link).

Where to sell accounts?

Accs are sold to the people who are farming white-lists. The only place where you can find people who are buying accs is Telegram and some closed discord communities.

Again it is a kinda black market, it is not a usual practice.

For example, I am the guy who is willing to get a white-list in some project. They dropped the first link, I didn't get it, but let's imagine you do.

Some projects can drop a link once a week. Or once in a few days.

I want to get access as early as possible because in the early stages it is way easier to get mentioned by mods and get white-listed.

So I find to the people who are selling accounts. I found you, and buy an account from you.

Simple as that.

But there are some things you should know:

  1. When you are new to the space, you practically don't know anybody who can buy or sell something.
  2. Even if you found somebody, you can get scammed. Simply because of not having a reputation or selling something to a random guy.
  3. Prices are very dynamic. The value of the project and account differs with every single change. For example, project owners start dropping links often and lots of people are getting access, in that case, the price drops immediately. Again, the value of things in their rarity and difficulty to get.
  4. There are special markets called OTC. Where you can post your offer to buy or sell accounts/whitelists or barely anything what can be sold in crypto.

Example how orders on OTC looks like:

So what should you do?

For the first time, I will help yall introduce to the space and people.

I am a member of some closed communities and know people who farm WLs. I was selling access for some time, also I am farming white lists.

Sometimes I can buy accounts for myself, sometimes I can offer them to interested people.

So the procedure is next: if you catch the link, you cant text me, I will offer it to those who can buy, and if we find a buyer, we make a deal.

Also i will post links for OTC markets i use and write a guide how to not get scammed.

Or I will create an open market in this group and simply share the link for the friends who can buy the accounts.

We will see. Anyhow I will help yall to sell it.

So what you need to do after reading this:

Create a discord/twitter account (if you don't have it yet).

Follow my Twitter, check my subscriptions, follow the NFT projects and turn on notifications.

When they drop a link, try to catch it.

If you succeed, just text me on Telegram:

Also join my Telegram channel to see more guides:

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