12 posts

ARI hack v.2

Транзакция 1. Transaction 5s4cQNNg7gTHd75Qsngu8c8sVFpeGV2KpyBmuxNh6PeSXej3NpKwSzefnr9yGyWKq3kkYuep3LvA3LFzasnxkET2

Using UUPS proxy in foundry

UUPS proxy is said to be a novel way or doing EVM proxies. It is more reliable and have a nice feature of being able to become immutable when the time comes.

Multiple Inheritance in Solidity

There are lots of documentation about C3 and so on, but I feel that example is better. Jump with me, it won't take long.

NEAR: Bootstrapping with at a speed of light

In ValiDAO our main emphasize is repeatability and standardization of the node installation process. Thus we are always creating an ansible playbook to install a node. And u know, usually I am always in doubt, if we are overcomplicating things for nothing? But for NEAR ya, it was worth it. The network has restarted twice already, and I love it, it means that the team is testing things, searching for bugs and vulnerabilities. And our playbook was reused 3 times to re-create a node from scratch because there was already a number of hard forks.

Mina: converting private key file to AURO private key

Give it a name, select "Private key", Paste it from the above step (EKFCHutVbp2sG6NgMybGfSCdurXfLRPw8qqpGHS4VCEdzRHxEmu5).

StableCoins on Solana

I saw that there was a spike of interest to non-USA based stablecoins, as a result of fear that funds could be blacklisted.

Как взламывали сейл Пломбира. Каждый мог

Тут я расскажу как был устроен смарт контракт и почему "надо было просто нанять кодеров" не работает. Надо было нанять хороших кодеров

Solana, part3. 😌

This post is going to be short. So, we have accounts. Accounts are kind-a files. The questions I had:

Solana, post 2 💥

In the previous host we setup our env: server, wallet + HTML page. Now it is time to talk about programming model.

My first Solana Project 😍

So, I've decided to participate in Solana Hackathon. Here I'm going to write down my journey. Part 1 - "Hello world".