June 22

The 10 Commandments of a Kart Racer 

Learn from the best. Take example from the best...Love karting, do your best with love and passion - Michael Schumacher

The 10 Commandments of a Kart Racer

  1. Respect your kart and keep it in top condition.
    • Regular maintenance and attention to detail will help you avoid breakdowns and ensure consistent performance on the track.
  2. Respect coaches, seniors, and other participants.
    • Listen to the advice and recommendations of experienced racers and coaches, and show respect to your opponents and teammates.
  3. Always have a plan and goal.
    • Set long-term goals and develop a strategy to achieve them, including training, participating in competitions, and improving your skills.
  4. Be flexible and ready for change.
    • Adapt to new conditions, technologies, and trends in karting while staying true to your main goals and strategy.
  5. Stay calm and persistent.
    • Don’t give up when facing failures; stay focused on your goals even when you encounter difficulties or setbacks.
  6. Always learn and strive for perfection.
    • Continuous learning, analyzing your performances, and gaining new knowledge and skills will help you grow and reach new heights in karting.
  7. Take care of your health and physical fitness.
    • Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and maintaining physical fitness are crucial to withstand the demands and achieve the best results.
  8. Be responsive and participate in the process.
    • Help other team members, share knowledge and experience, and participate in the preparation and tuning of karts.
  9. Build a network and seek support.
    • Communicate with other racers, mechanics, and coaches, participate in communities, and find mentors to help you grow and develop in karting.
  10. Show sportsmanship and integrity.
    • Compete fairly, respect the rules, and demonstrate good sportsmanship both on and off the track.


Participating but also a mechanic, preparing his Kart. In parallel to his Formula One career Michael has never hidden his love for Karting. Regularly training at the wheel of a kart, he even dared, when at the top of his glory, to go and challenge the young kart specialists in 1996 at the Monaco Kart Cup