It is not a foregone conclusion for a 4-time F1 champion to wish to go karting the day after an F1 Grand Prix (to be precise, the Sochi 2019 event), especially if the result is not good. However, Sebastian Vettel is not just any champion and, on more than one occasion, he really has shown he loves karts and also uses it as a outlet and ... as a time for reflection. This is why those who know him were not surprised when, around 10 am on a warm Monday in late September, Vettel arrived at the South Garda Karting in Lonato, after taking a flight from Sochi the night before, landing in Bologna, to then take a car and drive to Desenzano, where he arrived at 2 am. All this, as always for him, without the support of helpers, assistants, mental...

Mastering Rainy Conditions in Karting: Theoretical Basics and Personalized Approach

Any driver who aims to develop their skills must train in the most challenging conditions. One of the most effective ways to boost your abilities is to intentionally drive on slicks in the rain. This requires immense control and the ability to balance kart handling with minimal grip on a wet track. Training in such conditions will enhance your driving skills, making you more versatile and confident on both wet and dry tracks.

Secrets of Racing Mastery: Terminology

Let's delve into some physics and terminology to ensure we're all speaking the same language in our karting discussions!

Приложение с искусственным интеллектом DePIN, которое платит вам за вождение

Добро пожаловать в информационный бюллетень альфа-версии.

Body Positioning in Karting: How a Small Head Tilt Can Change Your Lap Time

Karting is an exciting and dynamic motorsport that requires not only quick reflexes and precise control but also the ability to use your body to achieve the best results. One crucial aspect of kart control is body positioning, which can significantly affect lap times. In this context, even a small head tilt at the right moment can have a considerable impact on your cornering speed.

The 10 Commandments of a Kart Racer 

Learn from the best. Take example from the best...Love karting, do your best with love and passion - Michael Schumacher

10 заповідей картингиста

Learn from the best. Take example from the best...Love karting, do your best with love and passion - Michael Schumacher

Achieving Success in Karting: The Path to the Top 

Disciplined work over the long term produces results. This is a reminder that a kart racer who trains once a week or month will not become outstanding.

Важность Отношения к Окружающему Миру в Спорте и Жизни  

Важность Отношения к Окружающему Миру в Спорте и Жизни

The Importance of Attitude Towards the World in Sports and Life 

Dear young racers,