March 7, 2020

abdoogh khiar recipe

We all have a decent person in our life who have been motivated us to do a job or something good, for example, motivating for cooking, and we always remind that person by smelling the aroma or the special taste of a meal. A taste of food that may have passed several generations to reach us. My grandmother believed that every season have their own food! That is, depending on the type of food, such as vegetables and fruits, that season also changes the variety of food. One of these foods, which is very dependent on the season, abdoogh khiar or persian cold cucumber and yogurt soup.


  • 500gr yoghurt
  • 3 cucumbers, diced
  • 100gr raisin
  • 100gr walnuts
  • 2 tablespoons scallion
  • 2 tablespoons dill
  • 2 tablespoons summer savory
  • 2 tablespoons tarragon
  • 2 tablespoons basil
  • 2 tablespoons mint
  • 1 tablespoon crushed dried rose petals
  • Crushed dried bread
  • Water
  • Ice cubes


Step 1

Stir the low-fat yogurt thoroughly. If you want to add that cream.

Step 2

Add water to yogurt and stir slowly.

Step 3

Crush the walnuts and add raisins, salt and pepper to the yogurt.

Step 4

Dice cucumbers and add vegetables and dried rose petals to other ingredients.

Step 5

Add ice cubes before serve. Serve with crushed dried bread.