October 17, 2024

Online Safety: A Practical Guide to Protecting Your Data and Identity.

Steps to keep you safe and anonymous online in a world of constant surveillance⚡️"

Welcome to the guide where we tackle a pressing issue that affects everyone today.

No need to dive into what’s happening in the world and in the CIS—we’ve got our info channel for that (link to the oracle). You already know the score.

In this guide, we’ll detail the tools that will help you stay protected at work and be your allies if you’re already being watched by the system or some sketchy characters.

Содержание статьи:

(Все содержание - кликабельно)

1. Terminology

2. System Preparation

2.1 System Encryption

2.2 Installing VirtualBox and Kali Linux

2.2.1 Installing Utilities on Kali Linux

2.3 Funding Cryptocurrency for Expenses

2.4 Purchasing Proxies via Virtual Machine

2.5 Installing and Configuring Proxifier

2.6 Acquiring Additional Proxies and Setting Up Proxychains

2.7 Buying a Dedicated Server and Configuration

2.7 Free Anti-Detect Browser

3. Conclusion

  • Summary of key points and final thoughts.


XMR (Monero) - A privacy-focused cryptocurrency; its transactions aren’t traceable (though there are rumors about tracking the IP addresses of wallets, so we recommend keeping your wallet on a virtual machine).

Money Laundering - Manipulating money to make it difficult to trace its original source.

VirtualBox - Software for creating virtual systems.

Kali Linux - A specialized OS built for setting up anonymity and complete privacy online, based on Linux.

Utility - A helper program designed to perform specific tasks.

Proxychains - A utility for Kali Linux that allows you to connect through a chain of multiple proxy servers for each system program.

Remmina - A utility for Kali Linux used to connect to a VPS (Virtual Private Server), similar to Remote Desktop Connection for Windows.

Antik - A browser program designed for multi-accounting.

Emulator - A virtual system created using your computer’s capabilities.

Proxifier - A router program for configuring connections through a proxy.

Tor - A method for routing traffic through multiple layers (onion routing).


2. System Preparation

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get your system ready for some serious security.

Windows alone can't guarantee that unauthorized users won’t access your laptop, even with a password. Account passwords can be reset or hacked using specific tools without needing access to the OS. That’s why encrypting your hard drive is essential. It helps ensure that if you lock your computer before stepping away, no one can get in.

This type of encryption acts as a solid first line of defense. If someone steals your laptop or extracts the disk from a server, they’ll need to break the disk encryption to access the device. With a strong password, that could take decades, if not centuries.

You can also use folder-level encryption and individual file encryption alongside this method.

Disk Encryption Options

BitLocker Device Encryption is Microsoft’s built-in tool for full disk encryption available in Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise. However, it has some downsides:

  • If BitLocker wasn’t pre-installed, setting it up can be tricky. Microsoft provides a list of devices with pre-installed BitLocker.
  • BitLocker features may vary across devices, depending on your motherboard.
  • It’s only available for Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise versions.

VeraCrypt is a great alternative without these limitations:

  • Installing VeraCrypt is much easier than BitLocker.
  • It’s not dependent on your computer’s hardware.
  • VeraCrypt works on any version of Windows 10.

VeraCrypt is a free, open-source software (FOSS). While there’s an ongoing debate about open vs. closed source, FOSS is generally viewed as more secure. Plus, it’s free! After installing VeraCrypt, you’ll just need to enter your password every time you boot up your computer.

For your convenience, I’ve included a detailed step-by-step guide on encryption in a separate manual:

📚 Guide on How to Encrypt Your Computer (VeraCrypt)


2.2 Installing VirtualBox + Kali Linux

If you want to use Tor, I strongly advise against just installing the Tor browser on your PC. Especially with improper settings, you risk exposing your real IP address, which can lead to complete de-anonymization. Is that what you want?

So, what’s the solution?

It’s called Kali Linux!

Using Kali Linux in a virtual environment allows you to operate more securely. This way, you can set up Tor without risking your privacy. Let’s get into the installation process!

Kali is a Debian-based Linux distribution designed for enhanced security and privacy. It achieves high anonymity through the use of VirtualBox and Tor.

Kali reduces the threat from common attack vectors while maintaining user-friendliness. It provides a solid level of protection against malware and IP address leaks.

We’ve prepared a lecture for you where you’ll learn how to create virtual machines that route all traffic through the Tor network and how to hide the fact that you’re using Tor from your internet service provider.

Below, you’ll find a guide on how to properly install VirtualBox and Kali Linux.

📚 Мануал: Install Kali linux We also recommend checking out the Whonix gateway, which allows you to route your Tor network directly to Kali from the start. You can skip sections 2.4 and 2.5 MANUAL : Kali Linux + Whonix Whonix Gateway


2.2.1 Installing Utilities on Kali

📚 MANUAL : Installing Utilities on Kali ______________________________________________________________________________________

2.3 Funding Cryptocurrency for Expenses (Through Tor)

  1. Acquire Cryptocurrency: Get your crypto through any method available—buying with a card, using exchanges like Binance, etc.
  2. Transfer to Trust Wallet: Move your crypto to Trust Wallet or any other wallet of your choice.
  3. Install Exodus Wallet: Set up Exodus Wallet on your PC or phone.
  4. Access an Exchange: Go to an exchange website (any reliable one) using your dedicated server or Tor Browser in Kali Linux. The steps below will guide you on how to do this safely.
  5. Copy Your XMR Wallet: In Exodus Wallet, copy your XMR (Monero) wallet address.
  6. Swap Cryptocurrency: On the exchange site, swap any other cryptocurrency for your XMR.
  7. Portfolio Settings: In Exodus Wallet, enable the "Portfolios" option in the settings.
  8. Add Another Wallet: In the Wallet tab (top left on your phone, top right on your PC), you’ll see an option for your portfolio. Click on it, add another wallet, and transfer your Monero funds there.
  9. Done!: You now have clean funds that you can use for any necessary expenses. If the site you want to use doesn't accept XMR, choose another low-fee cryptocurrency, copy the amount and wallet address, then swap your XMR for the specified cryptocurrency on the payment site.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!

We also additionally recommend our reliable partner

💸 Exchange/Laundering:
COMEDY CASH - Trusted service that we've used for a long time.
◉ Promo code ZERODAY777 for a 1% discount on all services, making prices lower than market rate.

2.4 Purchasing Proxies via Virtual Machine (Tied to Your Base Setup)

First, fire up Kali Linux in VirtualBox.

Next, open the terminal.

To install Tor Browser, type: sudo apt install torbrowser-desktop and hit "y" to confirm.

Once it’s installed, launch it with: torbrowser-desktop.

Then, head over to https://proxy6.net/ and sign up using a temp email from https://temp-mail.org/.

Deposit your clean cash using XMR (Monero) and grab some Socks 5 proxies.


2.5 Installing Proxifier and Setting It Up

📚 MANUAL : Installing Proxifier and Setting It Up ______________________________________________________________________________________

2.6 Setting Up Proxychains in Kali Linux

After getting Proxifier all set up and your network proxied, it’s time to install some tools for Kali Linux. Once your Proxifier proxies are working, follow these steps:

Install Required Packages: Open your Kali Linux terminal and install Tor, proxychains, and proxychains4. Just run:

sudo apt install tor proxychains proxychains4

Basic Configuration: After installing, make sure Tor is activated. You can start it with:

sudo service tor start

Launch Tor Browser via Proxychains: Use proxychains to open the Tor Browser. Type:

proxychains torbrowser

Get More Proxies: Buy 2-3 additional proxies and add them to your proxychains configuration. You can find the config file at /etc/proxychains.conf.

Setup Proxychains4: This version is specifically for Telegram, dedicated servers, or browsers. Configure it similarly to how you set up the original proxychains.

Now you’re all set! Enjoy your work in Kali Linux!

📚 MANUAL : Setting Up Proxychains in Kali Linux
Now that you’ve set up proxies for all your apps, it’s time to snag a VPS (dedicated server)


2.7 Buing VPS + SET UP

1. Buying the VPS

1.1 Open Tor Browser: Start by launching the Tor Browser with:

proxychains torbrowser-desktop

1.2 Visit VPS Providers: Go to sites for buying virtual servers, like aeza, or any other of your choice.

We also additionally recommend our reliable partner
🧿 Anon VPS/RDP:
PRIVATEALPS - Solid anonymous hosting with bulletproof features.
◉ Team gets 10% off with partner code 8EFYGD9DST.

1.3 Deposit Funds: Deposit some clean cash using XMR (Monero). You can usually grab a basic server starting around $13-15, but feel free to go for something pricier if you want.

1.4 Purchase the VPS: Buy your dedicated server and make sure to jot down the login details in a notepad or save them in a password manager like KeePass. You can check out more about KeePass [here].

2. Connecting to the VPS via Kali Linux

To connect to your VPS, we’ll use Remmina, which we’ve already installed. Here’s how to set it up:

2.1 Install Remmina: If you haven’t done it yet, install Remmina with:

sudo apt install remmina

2.2 Launch Remmina: Start it using proxychains:

proxychains remmina


proxychains4 remmina

2.3 Set Up Your Connection: Click the plus icon in the top left and enter your details:

Server: Your VPS IP address

Username: Usually listed on your VPS provider's site (often "Administrator" by default)

Password: This is set by your VPS provider and should be changed right after you purchase.

2.4 Adjust Display Settings: Scroll down a bit and pick a screen resolution that works for you (like 1920x1080 or whatever you prefer).

2.5 Save and Connect: Hit “Save” and then double-click on the saved entry to connect.

And you’re all set up! Enjoy your new VPS!

We also additionally recommend our reliable partner

🧿 Anon VPS/RDP:
PRIVATEALPS - Solid anonymous hosting with bulletproof features.
◉ Team gets 10% off with partner code 8EFYGD9DST.


2.7 Free Anti-Detect Browser

Also, if you do not have the funds to buy a VPS, we can recommend installing any free anti-detect browser, for example,

Dolphin-Anty - free

We also additionally recommend our reliable partner
#1 From paid AntiDetect Browser.
◉ Use promo code ZERODAY5 for 5 days of free subscription.
◉ Promo code ZERODAY30 30% off your first subscription. Installing this software is easy, so go for it!


2.8 Conclusion

And that's a wrap! You now know the basics of how to protect yourself from prying eyes. Just remember, the online world is always changing, and what works today might not be effective tomorrow. Stay updated on the latest news and be ready for the next steps!