From a simple host of pirated content, Pornhub has become a rich platform, able to broadcast a string of pornographic videos on the web. To attract celebrities and brands, and to raise awareness about environmental issues. The story of a success story by the Spanish daily El País.
THE AMATEUR PORK: ECONOMIC THREAT If I tell you, you're probably thinking of one of the most famous porn sites in the world. This website among many others is viewed by millions of users every day. Often powered by professional videos, this kind of sites is plagued for some years in the exponential development of amateur porn. For the best amateur teen creampie videos go here. The videos, made by everyone, often to make ends meet, flood the web to the point of threatening the professional industry. Some sites are even specialized in amateur porn like Reddit, Chaturbate or even Jacquie and Michel (in France). But as the name suggests, amateur porn does not depend on anyone. It is simple to do, inexpensive but does not earn a penny to the...