Tristan Buffle-Benetos
13 posts

Stade critique

L’humain a atteint un stade critique dans l’évolution. Il n’est sans doute pas la seule espèce vivante dans l’univers à devoir se confronter à un tel problème, mais je présume qu’il doit être relativement difficile pour une espèce telle que la notre de la dépasser.

Then Leave

One of the problems with education is that you get sent to school, not to learn how to take care of yourself in nature, or alone in the woods, or in the mountains, but in a city. They teach you how to read and write because these are important in order to get a job, and important in order to pay taxes, and these things are necessary in order to become and remain a citizen. The subjects taught at school are not taught for the right reasons. They should be taught as a medium for the student to express himself/herself, and as a medium for communication between individuals before being a medium for finding a job.