1. e - Learn (Programming) a set of teaching lessons. The program is in Uzbek, the national language, and includes the following courses: 1. Text and video lessons on Scratch 2.0. 2. Text and video lessons on Pascal 3. Issues to strengthen lessons. And another feature is that you can’t move on to the next lesson if you haven’t learned the previous lesson. For example, you cannot enter the second topic until you have learned the first lesson. And you can download it via this link.
Assalomu alaykum azizlar sizlar bilan Elementary OS bilan Windows 10/8/7/Xp bilan dual boot qilib o‘rnatishni o‘rganamiz. Men pastda Rus va ingliz tilidagi darslikni ham ilova qilaman. Chunki video olganimda sifatli qilib ola olmadim.
Assalomu alaykum @CMD_UZ . Bugun parametrli takrorlash haqida gaplashamiz.
Assalomu alaykum azizlarsizlar bilan @UzRoot . Mendan juda ko`p so`rashadi: root olishni urgating ..... . Bugun men shu savollarga Oddiy qilib javob yozmoqchiman.