Dmitry Brushray
I'm open for art commissions and happy to paint something for you.
For more details PM/DM me or visit:
24 posts

Less flesh, more steel. My fan art AdMech concept. 

Hey everybody! How a devoted member of the cult shows their love to the Emperor/Omnissiah? Right, they put more steel and iron while carry less flesh! This fan art is my another speculation on custom AdMech unit look walking around far corners of the 40k Galaxy.

Venomcrawler, my fan art I'm open for art commssns

Hey everyone! This time I was inspired by the miniature (Venomcrawler) of this monster and painted the fan art of the creature in its den in Nurgle style. I hope you like the artwork I'm open for art commissions and happy to paint something for you so feel free to contact me. For more art and info you may visit: Soon will be more art! Have fun! Cheers!

Некрон лорд фан арт

A tomb has awakened releasing it's dormant horrors... Necrons is a special art subject for me. I did my first tries on them about 3-4 years. And what is special ever since my artistic vision of them has been changing several times. Of course the first attempts were pretty clumsy and some next art then became more mature. Nevertheless Necrons though humanoid yet distinctly different from humans at their primal form before the transfer. And the main challenge I think is to grasp this difference and be able to express it along with mean consequences of the transfer. This challenging aspect and a strong undead vibe keep inspiring me.

Железный шторм

Свежий фанарт по вселенной Вархаммер 40000. Железные воины столкнулись в неистовой схватке.

Скетчи стилизованные под тушь

#Warhammer #Warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammerark #ink #inking #sketch #chaos40k #worldeaters #40k #wh40k

Necrons Psychomancer by brushray

Всем Привет! Мой свежий фанарт по некронам, на этот раз психомансер. Надеюсь вам понравился арт! Подписывайтесь скоро будет больше артов! Можете поддержать меня на Бусти:

The Megatherion, Retaliation has come

Today is another story about The The Megatherion, the monstrous engine created by the Dark Mechanicum. Please enjoy. On the frozen moon of Sinadar Tertius, the temporary outpost of the Iron Butchers has been caught in a blitz attack by a Death Guard Warband of the Virulent Engine. About a century before, the Iron Butchers allied with the Nurgle Cult to create a new, powerful strain of techno-virus. Both the Warbands, however, planned to destroy their temporary ally to claim the new creation for themselves.